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Tuesday 22 August 2023

Causal World Notes - (4839)


This is a very important dimension for us. Our internal causal dimension is the more important.

To change our life, to change our future, to change our destiny we have to work within our own causal world, and we certainly can work with it. We all have worked with it at some point in the past. Perhaps no consistently, but at some point we have.

When we change a part of our life it is because we managed to shift or move something in our own causal world.

Nothing can unfold without a cause. That is, there are no effects without a cause.

The causal world embodies in living reality the Law of Cause and Effect.

The causal world inside and outside is a great network, where causes generate effects and effects become causes and so many things all link together by the great chain of effects becoming causes.

Our causal world is linked to the causal world of the cosmos.

Changes in our our own causal world are linked to the causal world of nature. The internal changes create corresponding changes in the causal world of nature, from effects which unfold here physically.

Through the link between the causal world of nature and our inner causal world, new causes or modifications to causes are set up in our causal world. These changes and new causes then change the course of our life...

The Karma of every person is seated in their causal world.

Karma conditions our will, that is manages causes within us.

Will is a cause and will is the power in us to make things happen.

Will is intensely emotional and when we work with intense emotion we are involving our causal dimension.

It is the dimension of will in us. It is the dimension of causes within us. In our causal world we find the causes for every thought, feeling and action as well as all the events in our life.

It is an extraordinarily powerful dimension. To live or have our centre of gravity in our own causal dimension means to be a true master of one's life and destiny. This is man number 7. Master Samael lived in the causal world and was extraordinarily happy.

Until we don't live there we are not in charge of our life, because we can not modify causes within us. Our karma and our subconscious manages the causes within us. Which is very sad. It makes us victims of misfortune as karma and the will of the egos is often to bring misfortune upon us.

Any change or modification that we yearn for must occur here in this dimension within ourselves.

If we work with causes we can order our life much better than if we work from the mind. Work with will and we will find time, we will find space, we will go ahead. If we work with the mind, we don't find time, we are slow, we don't find enough space, we fall short all the time...

There are mantras to work with the causal dimension within and outside of ourselves.

We are our strongest when we are in contact with our own causal dimension.

We learn that to take charge of our will we at some point need to clear the way of obstacles to our will.

Gnosis teaches us to go to the cause of everything. Uproot things, know things, understand things from their roots which are their causes! In other words Gnosis wants us to work in the causal!


The causal dimension in and outside of ourselves is really powerful as it is where our Divinity begins. It is the dwelling of the soul and the Intimate Christ in us and in the world.

We with deep emotion can reach the causal world. When we have prayed with our sincerest and deepest emotion we have reached our own causal dimension. We have all done this at some point. This is a true prayer.

For prayer to be true it must reach the causal in us.

Faith is a causal power! We can't forget this...

The best help comes to us through the causal. Because we will be changed and transformations will unfold.

Causal Factors

The whole key of life is giving something a legitimate place within our causal world.

We actually have egos as causal factors within us. Meaning that those egos cause things to happen within us and outside of us. Egos that are causal factors are very powerful and are very difficult to dissolve.

Just imagine making trust, hope, faith and love as causal factors in our life. Imagine hope causing within us. Hope causing our thoughts, feelings and actions. How wonderful right?

This is something we can all work towards. It is so much better than having fear, resentment, envy etc. causing thoughts, feelings, actions and events in our life. This is suffering!

For us to do the path it must be take up a place within our causal world.

Be Careful - Negative Words from Causal Egos

The word is causal. It has a real causal power. It causes circumstances to unfold. If we speak negatively about the path or the spiritual work, it is usually because an heavy ego that is causal is speaking. As it has a place in the causal world it can actually unfold causes which are negative. 

So as we speak negatively we are actually causing negative states and circumstances whose results are to manifest our negativity. So in time there will come the point where we are physically against the path and stop working altogether and then a point of definition comes. Sometimes points of definition are painful sometimes they are not...

All definition points are causal in nature. Because after a definition point we change. We go ahead or drop back. Either way they cause a change in us...

End (4839).

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