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Tuesday 22 August 2023

Love as a Value - (5343)

Post Revised: 12/02/2024

I think the best start to this work of cultivating love as a value is to start by using love to work on the heavily negative egos that affect others.

To use love to work on anger. To use love to work on pride and resentment. To use love to dissolve the hurt and angry self-love and self-importance etc. To use love for our Inner Being to climb out of the hole of self-compassion.

I say respectfully if we use love this way we are on the right track.

Love is very tricky. We can not define it. as soon as we do we fall into error.

There are so many ways to love, however we only see and accept one way based on our ideas and concepts we have of love.

Because of these concepts and ideas of love we can't see love. The mind as Master Samael says kills love. 

We can use love to come out of our concepts. Use love to let go of our concepts. 

Many times, parents discover that to love their children they have to let go of their concepts and accept them as they are. After sometimes many painful years they come to understand, that staying stuck in their own concepts of what is best for the child comes at the cost of failing in love and falling out of love for their child.

Not everyone will love us. There will always be some who will hate us.
As Jonny Cash says, hopefully it is the right people that will hate us.
The "I's" hate us when we do the work.

Everyone basically sees love the way they want to be loved or the way they want to give it... 

There is really love in others whom we think have no love...

We can only see love when we expand our consciousness outside of so many bottles. 

In practice the best is to not hold onto any view point of love. Be so very open and then we will find it is easier to love.

Love is ontological, faith is causal and hope is emotional, m.m.m says.

End (5343).

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