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Thursday 31 August 2023

Psychology of the Centres - (4859)

We all have our particular psychology related to the centres of the human machine.

This psychology is basically about how we use the centres. That is about how we think and feel the centres should be used.

Two people can have very different ways of using their centres which come from their different ways of thinking and feeling about how the centres can be used.

For example, one person may think the emotion is to be used to be expressive, joyful and happy while another may think that the emotion is normally not to be expressed, except if while on the sports field or watching sport, because otherwise it makes one look stupid etc. 

Think differently to the way we use our centres so the more we can change.
Especially not to use the centres in a way that makes us to suffer.

This applies to all of our centres, without exception. It is illuminating and joyful to do a review of our psychology related to each of our centres.

At the end of it we always need to know our psychology and the way we think and feel the centres should be used. Once we know our particular way of using our centres we can make changes that are beneficial for us and we can also then loosen up our ideas about the centres. 

The rigid our ways the more conflict we encounter...

When we know our particular psychology we can then understand the psychology of others in relation to their centres and understand how they have come to be that way and then we naturally become more tolerant and at peace etc.

End (4859).

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