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Monday 4 September 2023

Merge the Urgency Lists - (4865)

A problem of practical life are the two (2) 'to do' lists that we have. One is an external list and the other is an internal list.

With the external list we need to wash and clean, sweep the driveway, go to a meeting, write a letter, update a spreadsheet etc. etc. With the internal list we have to work on the dissolution of anger, work on improving concentration in meditation, perform a prayer for illumination for a difficult situation, pray for others, work in self-remembering etc. etc.

Quite often the external list takes up the whole day and night...

If we just cross off items from the external list we don't get any time to cross off items from the internal list. 

We can't go on spending our days like that we have to do our internal work as well. Yet nor can we neglect our external work.

The only way to roll is to use the external list to work for us in crossing off items from the internal list. Perform the external in such a way that we also are working internally.

This way takes away mechanicity with the external list and life in general and helps us a lot to awaken and maintain an active consciousness which is highly beneficial to us.

It also means to keep our 'conscious work intelligence" functioning all the time to see opportunities for our inner work in the external tasks that we perform.

End (4865).

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