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Tuesday 12 September 2023

Anger, Self-Love and Pride Lessons - (4873)

When we are angry we inflict harm on ourselves and others. The essence is the opposite to anger. The opposite to anger is to produce benefit to ourselves and others. Which means to send goodness/kindness to ourselves first then extend that others.

Please note we can't send kindness to others if it is not felt within us for a split second before.

The self-love of not to be corrected must be transmuted into the love for what is correct and in order and with gladness make our essence aligned with what is correct.

In general, the psychological truth and rule to be happy is to give to ourselves what we are wanting others to give us. Not to wait for others but just give to ourselves before. 

We get angry because we wanted others to be kind or respectful. When they don't in our perception then we need to give respect and kindness to ourselves, which  avoids anger which is not repsectful or kind to ourselves and others. 

We get hurt when corrected, because we wanted to be accepted with errors. So then we need to give to ourselves the love of correctness and then we will transform the corrections from others into appreciation.

End (4873).

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