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Tuesday 12 September 2023

Work, Path and Being First - Everything is Easy - (4872)

If we are able to put our work, our path and our Being first in our life, we will see how everything becomes so much easier and possible.

Decisions are easier and in many instances they have already been made before the circumstances appear. 

Organizing our life is easier. Because that centre of gravity organises things around the work, path and our Being and gives the external things of life their appropriate amount of time and energy. Which may mean in many occasions little time and energy or none at all.

To have the external things of our life as first while studying Gnosis, makes everything very difficult. Our life instead of becoming easier becomes much more complicated, tedious and time consuming. Conflicts in interest arise everywhere and one feels tired and uncertain for how long one can handle the difficulties for.

With our work, our path and our Being first within us, we can do anything and not collapse. People may have children while doing the work and find it all too much after a while, and consequently give up. All because it just gets too hard. But if one is strong in their work being first they will manage and survive.

It all comes back to the truth that if we are defined to die to the "I's" that we have within ourselves, it does not matter how many egos we have and how big they are. We will end up dissolving them and passing through the other side where the light is.   

End (4872).

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