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Tuesday 3 October 2023

Arcanum 1 Notes - (4881)


The forces and principles of the Arcanum presented by the major and minor arcana of the tarot are ever present in the cosmos and therefore our very own lives, as we are all a part of the cosmos.

There is at least one of these principles of the major arcana influencing us and acting in and through our lives at any given moment.

To be aware of our life is in some ways to know what principle is acting on our life. 

The Tarot is a system of wisdom used to guide ourselves on the path and in life while walking the path. It can also be used as guidance in common life but fulfills it potential and purpose when used while walking the initiatic path.

Once we know what principle is active in our life we can straight away guide our thoughts and actions. Each principle is a ruling guide. If align with that guide we get the best. If we clash against that guide we get into error in other words difficulties.

These principles of the major and minor arcana of the Tarot are also in our Inner Being and so they stream out of our inner Being to guide and rule over our lives.

When we know what principle is ruling we then know what we can expect and so then we are prepared to roll with it and make the most of it. In other words, we will accept how things are and get to work and not suffer needlessly. We will understand that if we are suffering the answer is working in alignment with the principle. 

What To Expect 

When we are under the influence of Arcanum number 1 we can expect:

• Defining moments, so that a new octave may begin. Often defining moments are brought about by circumstances calling for definition.

• New beginnings, a new stage of the path and or life.

• The priority to start.

• The urgency to act.

• The necessity to create.

• The call to use will power and take up a new or renewed discipline.

When under the influence of Arcanum number 1 we can't expect to:

• Lapse in our will.

• Delay starting.

• Inertia ands laziness.

• Feelings of defeatism and unable to start or start again.

• Confusion in what we need or want.

Under Arcanum Number 1

Under the force of Arcanum number 1 we are called to work with the principles of the four elements. That is: Fire: will and energy. Earth: firmness and persistence. Water: intelligence and adaptability. Air: swift and free in thinking and movement.

The intelligence of Arcanum number 1 tells us to work with the constructive aspect of the elements so as to create the or bring about the new start.

Work with the creative energy (Ibis). We can't forget to draw upon our creative sexual energy for vitality, perseverance and strength. In other words channel the creative to create a new start. 

Work with the three forces to create. The Law of Three creates. Use the second force the force of opposition to make the intent to create something stronger and better. Do not allow opposite forces to wear away the creative process instigated by Arcanum Number 1.

Work with the stone. Which indicates the constant work of refining and strengthening what has been created.

Work with the staff. Which is will. One has to be expected to invest greater than normal quantities of will to get things off the ground and established in their firm march forward.

Work with the power of unity. Confidence, virality, faith, prayer, concentration are the powers of unity.

Virality is the number 1. What is virality? It is the power to stand up strongly within oneself. To unite one's forces and hold strongly onto them. 

Both men and women have virility. Virality should be used wisely up to the point where it is useful and then dropped back after that point.

General Notes

① We have to start one day with giving the values. 

① It is really important to make a start. If we never start we will never arrive. Everything is as it is because it was started or never started.

① The Inner Being within us is the start and the end. As everything has a beginning everything has an end. Therefore if the Being is number the Being is also the end. Because all ends are a start of something new. 

① If we make a start then the Being within us takes the following steps.

① Every morning we work with Arcanum number one when we start our day.

① Affirmative psychology finds its most appropriate place in unity and under the influence of 1.

① The values of hope, faith, trust and love are the main values of affirmative psychology.

① Number 1 is the heart 💓. Because if the heart fails all is at an end with our body and physical life. So the lesson is to start that which is in your heart and has heart. Number one is all about heart and combining mind and heart.

① At each morning, at the beginning of each day, remember our Inner Being! At the start of each day we are under the influence of number 1. That is why it is so important to remember our Being at the start of the day because we can then collect together what we are going to use our day for and that way we can make the most of our day and manifest all that we hope for, for that day.

① The axion of Arcanum number is 1 is great. "Be in deeds as in you are in thoughts". This means to bring down thought into action. If we work with this axiom we come into alignment with the force of Arcanum Number 1.

End (4881).


  1. Thank you for giving a great detail of the forces, values and elements that are at play with the Arcanum 1. Will you be posting more info of the other Arcanum’s?

  2. Thank you from my heart.
