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Monday 2 October 2023

Tremendous Interiorization - (4889)

We can solve almost all of our troubles by interiorization.

We have to pay attention to our interior. All the time. to observe and to carefully examine all the psychological flavours that appear.

Spend time discerning what the psychological emotional flavours are really about.

So many times we say so many things about every angel of an issue... Then only to go inside and find just one psychological point within us. 

By the power of discovering that one psychological point, everything shifts and the many things that we have said all collapse...

This is how we get free.

We want to be tremendous interiorizers - to be one is the first step to be an esotericist and to live a different life that is much more profound than the common mundane life lived by so many of us, including us until we one day interiorized and meditated on an issue.

End (4889).

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