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Friday 20 October 2023

Karmic Debts and How they are Paid in Life - (4915)

Recapping a little from the last post (4914):

We have a karmic debt when we face unreasonable or unclear delays, obstacles, conflicts either inside or outside ourselves or both at the same time.

Well, the teachings of Gnosis tell us that we did something in the past... And now it is time to balance that...

The very valid question is: how do we pay and why are the circumstances this way?

The Basic

The basic teachings say, if we affect others negatively they will come back to affect us as equally as negatively. Ok easy to understand. In life the way karma processes is easier to see and understand. 

Through the circumstances we are passing through we are basically going through what we have made others to pass through.

We simply have to trust in the teaching until we know for sure by remembering the past that we did what we are currently experiencing to others.

So usually people just pull through and keep going until the difficult situation ends, and it ends when the debt has been paid.

The danger of this is that we are likely to repeat the same mistake and incur the same karmic debt. This can happen several times until we make the connection between our actions and consequences and then we break the cycle.

The Medicine

Karma is also a medicine. The medicine is the intelligence of the Law trying to teach us a lesson so that we don't repeat it. This happens now and then in life but on the path or in the work it happens all the time because the objective is to definitely pay karma and not accrue any more debt.

When we have to learn a lesson we are forced to learn it by paying something. But paying with a different currency instead of the currency of suffering where we just have to get through it, weather the storm, hold strong and fast while winds howl and the flood waters rise... 

The currency in which we have to pay this debt with and learn the lesson is giving a value. But what is the value?

The value is hidden in the circumstances themselves.

Accept the delays, conflicts and difficulties. Don't get angry by them, understand we are in this for a reason. Accept the right of others to make our life difficult and understand we are being negatively affected because we deserve it and we are meant to be learning a lesson.

Humility always pays so handsomely. In general humility is to know our place. In this case humility will show us that we deserve it, we are not innocent and that we still need to learn a lot. We don't know everything even if we believe we do.

Basically the value is found in doing the opposite of what we want to do in the whole difficult situation. We won't to protest and fight, run, cancel, give nothing and take all, insult and humiliate then the value is found in us when don't do those things. 

The power that we use in ourselves to not do those things and basically stop being angry and become sweet and trusting in justice is the value, is the lesson that we need to give to pay the and learn the lesson.

End (4915).

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