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Friday 20 October 2023

Conscious Relationship to Pain & Suffering - (4901)

Pain and suffering just like sexuality, love, balance, energy, consciousness, health etc. are real unavoidable issues that we must face and accept. The better we know how to relate to these areas of life and ourselves the better for us and others.

This post presents some guidelines on relating well with pain and suffering:

1.) Pain is unavoidable in this world with the physical body we have.

2.) Suffering which is psychological is optional. We can chose to modify it.

3.) A bit of suffering at first which saves much more suffering later is worth gold. Always choose gold.

4.) Everything costs and sometimes suffering and pain is the price. Be prepared to experience pain and suffering to get what you desire. No gain, no pain as they say. Fully accept the suffering and pain required.

5.) There is intentional suffering and mechanical suffering. Mechanical suffering gets you nowhere but intentional suffering used well (intelligently/consciously/) elevates you.

6.) Avoiding suffering creates more later. It is a mistake.

7.) The truth seems as though it will make us to suffer but after a short time it frees us.

8.) When pleasure passes over a the line of balance pain enters. It is painful to correct the unbalances made with pleasure.

9.) Suffering can be transformed into learning, growth and love for others, which helps others to avoid suffering.

10.) Don't allow pain and suffering to become part of our identity. We are not pain nor suffering. We are an essence whose unique and on real identity is found in the Divine Being that we derive from.

11.) Avoiding telling your truth brings suffering to us and others.

12.) Not being what you are or are capable of brings pain and suffering to us and others.

13.) Raise above good and evil and suffering will be much less.

Friends are about relating well. If we can make friends with pain and suffering we are relating well with both. Our friends bring us something and we bring them something. Pain and suffering try to teach us and when learn from them we alleviate them of their burden.  

End (4901).

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