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Friday 20 October 2023

Karmic Debts and How they are Paid on the Path and in the Work - (4916)

On the Path and in the Work

On the path and in the work our karmic debts are all about learning a lesson so that we don't repeat the error. As it is by the law of recurrence that we keep repeating our mistakes accruing more karmic debt.

If we affected others negatively in the past and we don't remember, and we don't know that we accrued some karmic debt, that is all fine, until we now are on the path or in the work and we want to dissolve our pride and anger that remarkably unknown to us, was precisely the elements in us that affected others negatively in the past. 

Then two things happen for that karmic debt to be paid. The first thing is that we get affected negatively and secondly it becomes very difficult to dissolve our pride and anger. We actually tend to strengthen our pride and anger instead. Hence we suffer the circumstances become more difficult to bear...

We soon see that we can't continue like this for much longer so we try to do something to pay that karmic debt. We try to get closer to help those who affected us negatively. That doesn't work - things only get worse and our pride and anger get bigger now with resentment added on top.

Way to Pay and Learn at the Same Time

Then what to do?

We know by virtue of the teachings that karma on the path is about learning a lesson and that lesson is learnt by consciously developing a value that we come to understand is the best solution to the difficult circumstances that life throws at us. As we develop it, it becomes a part of us so that we will naturally answer with that value and not make the same mistake again in the future.

The big question is: what is the value?

The value is hidden in the circumstances themselves...

What others are doing to us, we must do the opposite to them. If for example they are gossiping about us we must not gossip about them but remain quiet and be magnanimous, don't allow any internal judgment to be made about them. Send them understanding and good will.

That's the formula either do the opposite of what others are doing to us that negatively affects us or do the opposite of what our egos want us to do to them in these trying circumstances. 

In Case we Reject the Value/Lesson...

We find the value and we don't want to give it. Oh well we still have to pay - back to paying with pain.

Pain gets too much ok let's pay with the value. A little later on, we see that we still don't want to give it. 

Then we have an experience seeing what we did and we see how merciful really the Divine Law has been and we then decide to pay with the value to benefit and repair the relationship with ourselves and others.

How stupid have we been is the main thought and how merciful is the Divine Law and our Inner Being.

We see that our Karma wants our awakening and the realisation of our Inner Being... Before that we saw it as a misfortune, a curse or random egoical non-sense...

Then we gladly develop the value not caring about our thoughts and feelings as to who is right and who is wrong.

End (4916).

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