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Monday 27 November 2023

Each Group has Abundance and Lack and What that Means - (4948)

Every Gnostic group has an abundance of some value and at the same time a lack of some value... 

For the value that is abundant, it is to be valued, assimilated and made as conscious as possible.

For the value that is lacking, it is up to each individual in the group to 'develop' that value for themselves  through one's own efforts, thereby making that value as conscious as possible.

For example, in one group there may be light in abundance but little consistency in following a plan of of applying the light, in the next group there maybe a lack of light but a good level of discipline. 

In the end with the values that are abundant and those that are lacking we have to do the same work - make those values as conscious as possible within us.

It maybe designed by a higher intelligence that way, that certain values are abundant and certain values are lacking...

This is because there are values in our particular case that we must generate and make conscious, and there are some which can we assimilate and make conscious that way. 

If you are a student what are those two types of values? If you are a teacher what are those two types of values in the group you teach to?

End (4948).

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