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Monday 27 November 2023

When Instinct Comes to Solve - (4947)


This post is a little bit about the instinctive centre and the conditions in which it is most active.

Known Already

We know that the centres of our human machine work as follows: Intellect (thinking) then Emotion (feeling) then Movement (acting, speaking etc.). Where is the instinctive centre in this flow?

An Observable Function

Here below is an explanation of where the instinctive centre comes into the flow mentioned above.

When we have a difficult situation to solve and after numerous attempts and many efforts of the intellect, emotion and action, there is still no solution or overall improvement, the instinctive centre then comes to help.

The point of this post is that one of the instinctive centre's functions is to come to the aid of the other centres when they can not relieve or solve a certain situation that is ill affecting our state of well-being.

The instinctive centre gives the other centres a certain amount of time before it appears. Interesting to see how the centres co-operate via a certain natural order and timing.

It is also interesting to note that the solution of the instinctive centre ends indecision, procrastination and vagueness. It is always very definite in nature.

A common example is that one may feel nervous and if the efforts of the intellect, emotion and action can not displace the nervous state in a certain time frame, the instinctive centre begins to do it, by either running, fidgeting, excessive talking, toilet, vomiting, in other words by overwhelmingly activating some of the instinctive functions of the body.

Activities such as drinking alcohol excessively, taking drugs, indulging in sexual activity for reasons other than transmutation are solutions to stressful circumstances that come from the heavy instinctive side of the egos of alcohol, drugs (partying) and lust.

Often violence appears as an instinctive solution to a severe injustice that ill-affects ourselves and others when that injustice has persisted beyond all attempts to peacefully solve it.

Three Modes of Instinctive Action

Going back to the example above, the instinctive centre solves the increasing and sustained unease in the human machine by resorting to roughly the methods given below.

1.) Taking us out of the stressful circumstances. 

2.) Making us to fight or protest, complain, argue to remove the elements that are creating the stress.

3.) Shutting us down, by provoking intense spells of drowsiness or fainting. 

4.) Trying all of the above in roughly the order given above.

5.) Something very uniquely intelligent, which could range from a very intelligent (astute) reason which serves one of the above methods, such as a very good excuse to leave the event. It could also be something uniquely intelligently positive, that is a new solution that is good for all involved.

In the last method the instinctive centre employs the help of the other centres - mostly the intellect to think up a crafty excuse, and in the best case the consciousness listens to the urgent message of the instinctive centre and produces a win-win situation for all involved.

Let's remember that the most intelligent of all the centres is the instinctive centre.


In summary, one of the many functions of the instinctive centre is solve persistent stressful situations when the efforts of the other centres fail. The way the instinctive centre solves stressful situations is via these three basic ways:

1.) Flight or Fight

2.) Shutting Down

3.) Instinctive Intelligence 

Sometimes these ways permanently solve the situation other times they are only temporary relievers of stress.


End (4947).

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