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Wednesday 29 November 2023

Ray of Life Notes - (4949)


This post lists some points in note form about the ray of life. Included are general notes that apply to all rays.


There are human beings that belong to this ray. No doubt we all know a bit about this ray, as we all have and live life and no doubt we can all benefit from the forces and wisdom of this ray.


Each ray has a function in creation. 

Within 'the function' are many smaller functions. These smaller functions represent a branch of a ray.

The functions of each ray is fulfilled by Divine intelligence - that is by the Monads of human beings and Divine Beings who don't have physical vehicles.

Each ray works with other rays. 

The other rays that a given ray works with reveal more about its function. This is a point worthy to reflect upon.

That fact that many rays work together shows us the connectedness of all rays to make up the whole. It also shows the different affinities that exist in creation and amongst human beings.

There does exist the affinity among human beings based on the ray of their Inner Being.

Each ray seeks and uses the consciousness.

Each ray in creation is found to have a positive and a negative side.

The negative side is the inverse polarity of the positive side. For example, wisdom and ignorance, force and weakness, justice and injustice, objective and subjective art, etc.

Each ray can be used to serve matter or the spirit.

Each ray must be sublimated and balanced inside each person.

Each ray is a distribution of the qualities of the Absolute put into action in creation.

Each ray differs from others by containing more of certain values or qualities than others.

All the rays have within them the other rays.

We must make the ray of our Inner Being into an avenue of service for humanity.

Each ray seeks and uses the consciousness.

The consciousness is what each ray has in common. No ray can function without the consciousness.

As above so below. As there are cosmic functions these functions are reflected in human life in the different professions that are necessary to solve the various problems of life and creation.

When we study each ray profoundly we almost find a reflection of the cosmos. Each ray comes from the Absolute and through each ray we get a glance into the vastness of the Absolute. 


The ray of life pertains to the Moon. Meaning it has a strong relation to life on Earth.

It is like it is the first ray as all the other rays begin to work once the ray of life has fulfilled its function which is primarily to bring the essence to life in creation.

Once we have life we need medicine to heal, the law to rule, science to learn and discover, art to express and politics to order and direct and force to protect. 

The ray of life has as a general function is to bring the spirit into creation in other words to bring the spirit to life. 

The essence enters the baby at the moment the baby is born and inhales for the first time. The angel of life assist in making this entrance and connection possible.

The angels of life connect the silver chord of the body to the essence and assist in making the heart beat and the brain to light up - thus breathing the life that the new essence brings into the body of the new born baby. 

Also the ray of life is to guide the essence or spirit in life. Perhaps the guru devas which guide and watch over the evolution of all the essences in the mineral, plant and animal kingdoms belong to a branch of the ray of life. 

Associated with conception, birth, incarnation, return, recurrence and living. It is related to death, as death is its twin sister. It is also related to destiny, the processes of gestation and accumulation in life. 

The main function of the angels of life is to connect the essence to a new physical body. Meaning they specialise in connecting the silver cord, the cord of life and prana to the essence and physical body. 

Some keywords for the ray of life are: vitality, vital body, aura, prana, silver chord, flow of life, attention, consciousness, water, fire, creation, ray of creation, creative energy, sex and sexuality, conception, development etc.

Positive Side: the positive tendencies of this ray are the search for the awe and transcendental side of life, love of nature, respect for life, profound joy for new life - birth, perception of the mysteries of life, natural inherit knowledge of knowing and understanding what life is about. 

Negative Side: the negative tendencies of this ray are: selfishness, superficialities of life, mechanical life, vain enjoyment of life, several new beginnings, unstable, constant movement etc.

Pertains to beginning and to maintaining. To healing, to the word and to the creative energy. To music and to joy.

It makes sense too that the ray of life is related to the ray of Kundalini. The kundalini brings spiritual life once again to the person. The kundalini is an aspect of the Divine Mother and the Divine Mother is one who gives life.

The Kundalini creates the bodies - in other words it is the element that creates our inner cosmos - that is our inner life.  

The ray of life is related to life and life is consciousness and energy in constant flow. As a strong point those who belong to the ray of life will always seek energy and consciousness and have a natural understanding of each.

Works with death, medicine, law, wisdom to name a few... Please take your liberty of reflection to add more.

The regent of this ray is the Divine Being classically known as archangel Gabriel.

Sublimated within us, this ray reveals to us the conscious and intelligent way to live. The art of living is this ray sublimated.

To seek the vertical in life is the conscious expression of this ray, and it is also the point of balance of this ray in relation to the Being within us. To reiterate, when this ray is used to develop the vertical line of life within a person it finds its balance within the person in relation to the Inner Being.

This ray has great potential to be of service to the awakening and development of the consciousness. As what is life if we are not aware of it.

A ray that expresses the solutions to the problems of life. A ray that is in general naturally optimistic and positive.

A ray that profoundly loves creation, nature and the life of all creatures. A ray that of course respects life and yearns to know the mysteries of life.

A ray that works well with death as its main function is to work through the course of life to be prepared for the most sublime and transcendental moment of life - which is death.

A ray that also works well with astrology, as astrology is very much the study of life. 

It makes sense that those of this ray would have an affinity with the workings of the Zodiac and astrology. As master Samael said, in ancient Egypt by the study of the stars the vocation of a newborn child could be told. There is a direct relationship between the stars and life and it follows that those of this ray would innately appreciate the value of the stars.

What is most important in life: is meaning, identity, values and points of reference. Without these life can't really be lived. Depending on what meaning, what identity, values and reference points we chose is how we are going to live life.

Some of the mysteries of life are the different stages of life expressed so beautifully the metallic planets of alchemy. 

So the ray of life has a lot to do with the above four important points and it makes sense that the people of the ray of life would naturally know the importance of these points and would search for the deeper side of them or either the opposite - be opposed and select the most superficial or strangest versions of these points.

End (4949).

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