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Saturday 2 December 2023

Resentment and Forgiveness - (4981)

What's the remedy to resentment? The answer is forgiveness.

What's the remedy to hatred? The answer is love, but a love that has its start in forgiveness. 

Sometimes we can forget about the existence of forgiveness...

Well we have to tell ourselves sometimes that it does exist and it is needed...

What is the biggest problem we face with forgiveness? It is that we feel we can't forgive...

Someone once said that we CAN forgive. We don't really have the right to not forgive! There's nothing that we can't forgive another person for. Because we have done the same or worse if we can remember...

At the core of resentment is a belief. We must search to find that belief. It is a belief of having been wronged or hurt. All of our resentment stems from that belief. If we can just find that belief we are on our way to changing things within us.

Our capacity to not forgive has to alarm us. To feel our cold heart is very alarming, especially while we are a student of spiritual studies.

No doubt forgiveness heals. It is a healer that we have available to us, within ourselves close by just waiting for us... We just have to appeal to it within ourselves.

Forgiveness comes from our Intimate Christ. It isn't a waste of time to work with now and then with the powers of the Intimate Christ, is it?. 

Sometimes we can't see any further or deeper because we can't forgive. Resentment and hatred blind us... So many solutions, angles and perspectives we are blind to because of resentment... 

In more severe cases when resentment reaches a peak in intensity, we have to even forgive those people for being in our life...

To forgive those for being in our life, is to forgive ourselves, as it is was ourselves at some point in the past that brought those others into our life...

End (4981).

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