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Friday 29 December 2023

Aligning the Three Brains - (4978)


This post is some notes about aligning the three brains. 

The practice of aligning the three brains is a great teaching, that makes a big difference in the quality of living consciously and of being present.


The practice of aligning the three brains from moment to moment, is a practice of the fourth man.

When we align the three brains in any given moment, we give ourselves the chance to awaken.

The three brains can be aligned voluntarily and this can only be done by our consciousness.

Our three brains can also be aligned unconsciously. This occurs when the ego is in the human machine.

The ego becomes so strong in a person when the three brains are aligned with it. 

Any person with their three brians aligned is very strong - because they are unified.

The consciousness can align the three brains.

To align the three brains, is the first step to being fully 'ourselves' as possible.

When we align the three brains, we activate the Law of Three.

The Law of Three is activated because of all three brains being activated in and for the task. However, for another reason as well, which is as follows:  

When we decide upon a task we activate the Holy Affirming (first force), then as we work on the task all that would hinder or interfer with the task appears. By not being distracted by these hinderances, we activate the Holy Denying (second force). By resolving the hinderances and carrying on, or simply by learning from them, we activate the Holy Reconciling (third force).  

If we don't align the three brains, we get distracted very easily and we go with the next desire, impulse, or call from nature and life. Consequently, we don't give ourselves the chance to activate any of the three forces, much less the powerful Law of Three. 

As we know well it is the three forces working together that create a result. The Law of Three CREATES and all we want is to create a result.

So aligning the three brains activates the Law of Three which creates something, or brings a result.

To focus, we must align the three brains.

To concentrate effectively, we must align the three brains.

To meditate effectively, we must align the three brains.

To align the three brains is the first task in the work of achieving unity.

To align the three brains is a work of accepting reality. 

To accept reality means to accept the real, and the 'real' in us comes from the Real Being in us. God is reality. 

To be at war with reality is to suffer. We are at war when our three brians are not aligned.

When we align the three brains we can observe with clarity, the activities and functions of all the centres as well where the boundaries of their orbits lie. 

When we task the centres with what they should be doing, we can so much easier see the effects of when they are not onboard, or they are functioning outside their orbit.  

An avenue to die in ourselves opens up when we align the three brains. This is becasue we can die in all that wishes to disrupt the conscious alignment of our centres.

Aligning the three brains gives us the access point for our consciousness to be present.

End (4978).

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