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Sunday 31 December 2023

Study Points for the Aligning of the Three Brains - (4980)

Point One

We are weak where our three brains are not aligned. This is because we are divided. We are together and whole, where our three brains are aligned. This is because we are not divided.


Question: In which area of life are our three brains not aligned? 

Answer: In the area where we experience inner conflict and later on as a result of the inner conflict we experience external conflict as a result.

Aligning our three brains in this area will bring a definite solution or big improvements.

Question: Where are we strongest and or happiest?

Answer: Where our three brains are aligned. The consciousness naturally aligns the three brains.

Point Two

Alignment of the three brains brings the consciousness. 

The consciousness is not present obviously when we our three brains are not aligned with what we are doing. When we align our three brains we create a powerful condition for the consciousness to appear.

The different states of misalignment of tthe hree brains that us human beings can get ourselves into are incoherent, illogical even absurd at times. Illogical, incoherent and absurd is not of the consciousness.

The misalignemnt of the three brains does not bring any quality result. 

Point Three

Alignment of the three brains equals definition.

When we are defined for something, it is because that something has enterd into our three brains and our three brains all agree and are all onboard to contribute their part.

Point Four

A value can enter the consciousness once it enters the three brains. That is once the three brains are aligned with the value.

We ultiamtely want the noble values of the spirit to be in our consciousness and then in our Inner Being. We start doing that by instilling them into our three brians and then aligning our three brians with them.

Point Five

Mystical death is successful when it enters the three brains. That is, when the three brains are aligned with it. 

That is when each brain wants to die psycholocially and knows their part of how to contriute to the death of any given "I".

Point Six

We don't learn anything when our three brains are not aligned.

One brain may be onboard and that brain performs ok, but because of the lack of alignment we easily forget what we learnt. Because our consciousness was not present. Our consciousness comes to be present when our three brains are aligned. 

Even if the consciousness is not fully present, just the fact of the three brains being aligned means that the three brains will learn and that is better than just one learning and the other two not. Please note, each brain pays attention and so each brain can learn.

End (4980).

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