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Wednesday 6 December 2023

Arcanum 2 Notes - (4953)

What this Arcanum Tells Us

This arcanum refers to the Cosmic Mother - that is to say, to the Eternal Universal Divine Feminine Principle. Arcanum 3 on the other hand refers to the individual Divine Mother, which is the Divine Eternal Feminine Principle of our particular cosmos, or from the point of view of the Absolute - the divine eternal feminine principle of the Microcosmos.

Master Samael describes the symbols of this card very well. Though all that I would like to say is that the symbols present in this arcanum reveal a lot about the qualities of the Divine Eternal Feminine.

Here below I have listed the symbols which highlight the qualities of the Divine Feminine.

Seated Priestess: 

The receptive and passive nature of the Divine feminine. Contrasted with the standing active nature of the magician of Arcanum number 1.

Open Book: 

The quality of wisdom, which is a feminine quality. Wisdom itself is inert, it is not about doing, it is about knowing. It must be combined with force or love. Just how the Divine Feminine to create, requires a complement - the Divine Masculine. 

Bare Breasts: 

Nourishing. The left breast relates to the moon, indicating the lunar nature of the Divine Feminine. It is said that the right breast relates to the Milky Way Galaxy.


The quality of mystery and of the occult. Also the duality of the known and the unknown.


The quality of sexuality. The crossing of the two polarities in order to create. 

Columns Black and White:

Duality, the two forces of the cosmos. Involution and Evolution. Good and Evil. Activity and repose. 

From the card we can gleam that the Divine Feminine is the house that holds the mysteries and wisdom of nature, creation and the path. We are told that the path unfolds within the Divine Mother, with each step on the path being a step further into the temple of the Divine Mother. 

It has to be this way, as the Cosmic Divine Mother was the one that partook in the creation of all things and everything created is in fact her energy condensed into material form.

She is the Womb of the Absolute and the bosom of creation, meaning all the mysteries of the Absolute are present and latent within her. Her bosom nourishes creation and to enter into the Divine Mother is the same as to enter a temple. That is why the initiations and the path itself, is something sexual. 

The Intimate Christ resurrected and made immortal, is ready to receive all the mysteries, and so lifts the veil of Isis to learn the mysteries of nature, creation and the Inner Being.

What the Axiom Tells Us

"The wind and the waves favour he knows how to navigate."

The wind and the waves are our life circumstances. In other words, the wind and the waves are the psychology of the people that are in the circumstances of our life. The psychology of the people in the company that we work for, the psychology of the people in our family, the psychology of the people in our Gnostic group etc. 

If we know how to transform impressions and to take the difficulties which the circumstances and people in these environments present to us, with the work on ourselves, we can navigate those waters and take benefit. 

Before we can do that though, we must know the wind and the waves, know how to sail and how to navigate. That is, we need to know the impressions being offered and know that we have the capacity to deal with them and know how to deal with them to such an extent that our inner work is strengthened, not weakened.

Basically it means to be skillful, to know how to make things of benefit to your inner work, and when to leave things behind when they no longer can benefit your inner work.

What to Expect Under this Influence

Under the influence of this card duality will be ever present. We may be caught between two areas...

The influence will be to look at both sides and come to balance by using the three - the third solution. The third solution is something new, something that is not either side but a solution where something is taken or learnt from both sides.

If we resist looking at both sides, the situation can become difficult and perhaps painful for us. Often due to duality, conflicts arise. In the worst of cases, this influence can mean conflict or division. 

There will be the known and the unknown, with the unknown being of more concern. So then there will be the need to peer into the unknown somehow. The suggestion of this influence is to put your intuition to work, to intuit something about the unknown.

The main urgency under the influence of this card will be to unify the duality that we find ourselves in.

The more wisely we solve the duality which is often a source of conflict and unhappiness the better things will turn out. There is freedom with love, and freedom with hatred, and freedom in secret. Freedom in love is good, for the path freedom in secret is best, where duality is solved by the work on ourselves bringing about inner unity.

The first port of call to unity is to align the five centres of our human machine.


The Divine Feminine is the duality but as a unity. She is one but by virtue of Her innate quality expresses duality, presents duality and functions with it.

The mother is perfect duality as unity. She is one being - a unity but when She is pregnant, there are two beings in one. She the Divine Feminine has the unique power to unite two into one.

It is said that the woman came from Adam and Adam in fact was actually the Divine Androgyny, that is containing both sexes in one. So the woman it was said was the first offshoot of Adam so She contains elements of both within Her. 

We can see this so easily that mothers can perform the role of both mother and father much more easily than a man can. That is because She has elements of both within Her nature. Certainly, the Feminine is nothing 'weak' at all. How strong is the feminine to withstand childbirth and all the ordeal of raising a child and attending to the all the needs of a home. 

She is the central hub of a home. If She leaves the karma is greater because without Her the home collapses, but without the Father the home can still function. She indeed has special qualities... 

The Cosmic mother is infinite space and primordial matter. The primordial matter is more of a cosmic energy really which condenses into matter. 

She is also the house of the Spirit. Without her creation it would not be possible and the Spirit would not become known. It is through the Mother that the Spirit can come to know itself. The spirit is the masculine.

She being one then becomes two in the function of mother as She then houses the spirit that fecundated her.

In creation She becomes two, one is her primordial energy and two is the spirit that has fecundated her. Creation is both spirit and matter - duality.

Sexuality or Alchemy is the realm of the Divine Mother as the two polarities come from Her. She in fact polarizes herself as Kundalini or Kundabuffer to make us to ascend or descend.

The cosmic Mother house the Spirit, making the duality united in one. That is our work in life to know the two and then go back to the one. This is done through the Divine Mother. 

The path is via the Divine Mother as Kundalini, it is She that takes us upwards and unites us step by step to the Spirit. It is also Her that dissolves the psychological aggregates that we have thus uniting our essence eventually into one.

The creations of the Divine Mother are based in two. If we examine our body we will see dual symmetry everywhere. Two eyes, two hemispheres, two nostrils, two lungs, two arms, two legs, two hands, two kidneys and so on.

Below are some notes to help us to work with duality to find the one, the unity the non-dual.

Working with Duality Notes

The good in the bad and the bad in the good. We need to know the good in the bad and the bad in the good before we can reach stable consciousness of unity in any area. 

We need to be able to see both sides always. To not see both sides equals error and conflict which brings difficulty and suffering.

We can not allow ourselves to be stuck in one side. We must see both sides to come to unity. The unity is the balance, the stability, the third solution and the consciousness.

We walk the path on two legs. Not on one leg. Meaning we learn from both sides of duality and we need the opposites functioning within us in balance.

We must learn from the good and from the bad. That is to learn from the mistakes and triumphs of others. To learn what not to do and to learn what to do. The unity sees that everyone is a teacher. 

We must know that the left hand of God deals us out pain, so as to bring us back to Him.

The right hand of God shows us how to keep close to Him.

Every virtue needs duality to apply it correctly.

This applies to love, patience, tolerance, justice, wisdom and all of the virtues. Let's see, to apply justice we need rigour and mercy, to apply wisdom we need love and force, to apply love we need kindness and remedy, to apply patience we need hope and endurance, to apply tolerance we need openness and strength etc. etc. 

We must take into account both sides of everything, especially the matters that we have at hand. Which means both points of view, both interests, the needs of both etc. etc. When we do this is, it is an act of love - tender like motherly love.

We have to take into account our own duality to awaken. If we our knowledge of awareness is stuck in one side of our duality we can not awaken or expand our awakening.

Duality is also the law of polarities. So much can be said about the masculine and feminine polarities within us... 

We need to balance correctly the polarities that are within us and know how to bring the correct polarity out in a given situation... 

The wise combination of the two polarities creates something. Just like how will and imagination creates, one pole along can not create...

We learn also not to swing from one polarity to the other as a means of compensation or correction...

Karma works in duality... 

This card represents the known and unknown - the mystery. Knowledge of the mysteries solves the duality. In fact the mysteries are the solutions of duality.

Our polarities are unbalanced within us. We have  to know when to bring forward the correct polarity to  be combined correctly so as to produce a positive outcome.

We must always seek to transcend duality. The aim of duality is not to have us divided or in conflict, it is there to show us the two sides and motivate us to find the unity of the two. 

The origin of all evil is duality.

The origin of all suffering is duality.

End (4953).

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