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Monday 11 December 2023

Compartmentalise Problems - (4959)

We have to learn how to solve problems, and while a problem is being solved we have to learn how to compartmentalise them.

By that I mean to give them a time and a space to solve them and not let them permeate all the areas of our life.

Our troubles begin when we allow an unsolved problem to become a worry that then invades every moment of our life.

When that happens we begin to get 'dragged down'...

If being 'dragged down' persists, we become depressed as the feelings of hopelessness set in, or either we become increasingly frustrated and angry, which is no good for others, and no good for our health.

If we can, as Gnosis says, forget our problems so as to solve them, we are going to be pretty ok.

Gnosis says to forget problems is the way, in the sense of our mind forgetting them and not thinking anymore about them. This is because thinking about them does not help to solve them. 

Gnosis says that while we have forgotten a problem our consciousness can reveal to us a solution.

While we are waiting for our consciousness to reveal a solution we need to compartmentalise our problems. Do not bring them into every moment and do not bring them into your marriage, even if the problem concerns your marriage, do not bring them to work, nor to visits with to friends, nor to sleep at night, nor to conversations and especially not to our overall background as our state of well-being will be affected... 

End (4959).

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