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Thursday 21 December 2023

Imperfections that Brought Forth Creation and the Three Necessary Stones - (4971)

Absolute Vomits

As master Samael tells us, this cosmic day was brought about by the Monads in the Absolute, who en masse wanted to be someone, or something more than what they were.

This desire master Samael said was enough for the Absolute to vomit those Monads, and thus the need for a new cosmic day was born.

Where did that desire to be someone or something more come from?

It came from previous cosmic days - from the so-called 'sins of the soul'. 

Sins of the Soul

The 'sins of the soul' are certain imperfections that reside within the soul (essence). Note, soul is specifically mentioned and not spirit or Being. These imperfections were taken on by the soul through its various experiences of life in previous cosmic days.

What happened in the previous cosmic day is that the Monads achieved the self-realisation with these 'sins of the soul' remaining within their interior. For some reason these imperfections were not purged from the soul... perhaps because their consequences for the Absolute were underestimated?

These self-realised Monads later entered the Absolute with those imperfections deep within their nature. This later turned out to be something grave, as Master Samael explains, the Absolute came close to becoming fully contaminated and suffering dire alterations, even collapse...

The Absolute had to vomit these Monads in order to save itself. 

To prevent this from continuing, the Purgatory planet was created whereby the Monads close to entering the Absolute would live and work to purge themselves of these 'sins of the soul'. 

Now Days

Now days in this current cosmic day within you and me are these 'sins of the soul'.

These sins of the soul it has been said are the impurities that are dissolved in the fourth to seven stones. They are not "I's", nor residues of the "I" nor are they memories of the "I's" they are imperfections within the functioning of the soul and consciousness.

It is said that the first two philosophical stones are thrown because of these 'sins of the soul'.

It is said that it takes three stones to no longer fall. That with the acquisition of the third philosophers stone there are no more falls - only descends until the completion of the seventh stone.

The throwing of the first two stones it has been said are necessary to know the 'sins of the soul' and to be ready and mature enough to purge them and not fall because of them.

End (4971).

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