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Wednesday 20 December 2023

Our Ray is Our Line of Cosmic Education - (4970)

Our cosmic ray is our vocation in the cosmos.

If we were to study it profoundly and work at it so as to perfect it, we would be taken on a journey of  discovering and developing all the other virtues that are. 

A cosmic ray is our viewing portal into the source of all the rays.

For us down here with the ego alive, what we have to do is to die in the egos we have, so that nothing  hinders us from being close to our ray and stops us from expressing it in a way free of conditioning (ego).

With the ego well and alive what we have is a very conditioned way of expressing our ray. When conditioned by duality (opposites) we express the opposite of our ray.

If we know our ray and we want to accelerate our mystical death we can try to express our ray as correctly as possible, then die in all the egos behind the errors that we make trying to do this.

If we for example we want to express our ray, which is the ray of the Law, in the most perfect way, our endeavour to do so, will take us to our consciousness, to our Inner Being and to developing the other virtues that are needed to make the expression of the Law perfect. Such as: love, mercy, rigour, balance, justice, humility, order, wisdom, are needed to express the ray of the Law perfectly.

This is why all the self-realised being possess all the virtues within themselves. 

The virtues and rays are connected, and the development of one leads to the development of the others. Which is a gift of focus for us. If we focus on expressing our ray as intensely perfectly as possible we will be acquiring all the other virtues as well.

"By the perfection of one comes the perfection of all." So it has been said...

End (4970).

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