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Wednesday 13 December 2023

Special Personal Keys Post: 1 - Concentration - (4960)

I think this happens to everyone. We practice and we get some kind of results - a good start but a long way to go yet. We keep trying and we notice that something is not quite working out. There's some kind of block or obstacle that is difficult to surpass. 

We observe that difficulty and we get a feeling for what is the matter but we can't articulate it. We look for help but nowhere do we find any advice to help and no one really knows or gets what we are talking about. Then one day we stumble upon something and its just one parpargraph or two that explains it all for us and with that new bit of information or advice we begin to shift that block.

This post is more for my records than anything else, though it may be interesting for you as well.

This paragraph has really helped me with concentration. It has made a really big difference.

"Your Forces and How to Use Them - Christain D. Larson, Chapter 11".

End (4960).

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