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Monday 11 December 2023

The Veil Significance and Meaning - (4958)


There is a lot of esoteric meaning behind the veil.

The word veil reminds us of the "bridal veil", the "veil of the mysteries" and the "veil of Isis". 

The veil is something that we see in esotericism that pertains to the Divine Feminine.

In terms of the bridal veil it is something that belongs to the mysteries of sex. 

It is a symbol of the Divine Mother, with emphasis on Divine. In general terms it signifies that the woman wearing it is emulating the Divine Mother.

From very ancient times where the wedding ceremony was a pact to enter into and live the mysteries of sex, the bride would wear a veil to signify Her virtue. That She is like the Divine Mother" "whose veil no mortal has lifted...". 

The archaic teachings tell us that the veil of the Divine Mother (Isis) is lifted by those who are worthy to receive Her mysteries which are the mysteries of nature and creation.  

The Bride wearing her veil signifies in terms of the mysteries of sex that her husband to be has not yet beheld her nature in its full naked beauty and only after the pact to live sacred sexuality is made will she allow her veil to be lifted and her mystery beheld.

We can conclude from the above explanation that the bridal veil originally signified the state of virgin. 

Mysteries of Sex

For the mysteries of sex, to be a virgin is a power. People now days do not consider it a power and that is because they do not see it from the esoteric point of view of sexual magic. Let's briefly see why it is a power from the point of view of sexual magic. 

1.) The state of virgin presents a vessel that is clear without obstacle to be dedicated solely to the practice of the sexual mysteries. There is nothing needing to be undone, only the need to form.

2.) The state of virgin is a condition where in this life there are no sexual links that can karmically link the new husband to the karma created with previous partners.

3.) The state of virgin creates a powerful link with the new husband that is not easily broken. The first link is always special, and the links afterwards are less and less special to the point, by entropy, of all of them become equal...

In an effort to see both sides of everything, the state of virgin is one of less experience, and this can have disadvantages...  Though with the proper methodology that 'lost ground' can be covered.

Now days because very few men and women possess the state of virgin the veil almost has the opposite significance and meaning to its original and real meaning. Now days a veil means the absence of 'that virtue' and there will be no practice of the sexual mysteries. 

In the best of cases it is just a physical adornment to be used to respect the traditions of old, yet why it is to be used is greatly unknown. 

The mysteries of sex have been long lost to public understanding and that loss has included the loss of the meaning and significance of the veil of the Divine Feminine.

The veil only really finds now its significance in the esoteric circle of practice and people who know and respect its meaning.

It is said in the esoteric teachings, that the Divine Mother of anyone of us remains a virgin and so never loses her veil. There is the Immaculate conception where the Intimate Christ is conceived via the immaculate conception.

End (4958).

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