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Sunday 28 January 2024

An Anatomy of a Stand Still - (4961)

Stand Still

It can happen in life that we find ourselves in a stand still. Locked into a difficult situation with solutions in view but none that either or both parties wants to take up...

Who is going to change and take up one of those solutions is the 'big' question in a stand still. 

What typically keeps a stand still in place is the following:

The Other Must Change

One party believes the other must change and take up a solution. This solution is usually suggested by the party that believes the other needs to change. 

The stand still comes about when the other party does not want to accept the suggested solution.

This attitude can be upheld in one party only or it can be shared, where both parties believe that the other must change and take up a solution that each one proposes. 

A stand still can still come about when neither party wants to take up the suggested solutions and both parties believe the other should change.

It seems to common sense that the solution to a stand still is to find a 'third solution' which is an intelligent combination of the solutions or positions suggested by each party.

Third Solution

Even when a third solution has been arrived at, a stand still can still come about. This is often because the third solution that was proposed was not acted upon. This could mean that the third solution was not really the correct third solution or that desire in both or one party is just too strong to come around to the third solution.


A clear point is that nothing can be done if there is no movement. One or both parties have to make some kind of move. 

The deeper truth behind it all, is that both parties need to make reasonable changes. Another truth is that the stand still will only truly disappear when both parties change.

If no one wants to change first, then both can agree to start to change together. 

End (4961).

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