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Saturday 27 January 2024

The Way of Force is Serenity and Peace - (5018)

The way true force expresses, that is the force of the Inner Being, is in serenity, peace, patience, trust..

It is not in violence and fierce activity as we so commonly suppose.

Master Samael said that physical strength is the most inferior kind of strength. It is practical in human life yet in the psychological and esoteric work it is not the strength that moves us forward.

It takes a tremendous amount of true force to remain serene before someone who is angry and violent. One has to bring under control terribly strong instinctual impulses to remain serene in such instances.

The one who is angry and violent lacks the force to put his or her impatience, fear or pride under some kind of control. 

Force, that is the true force of the Being conquers. The Being Itself conquers Itself with Its own force.

Its own force is the force of Its truth. The force of reason, the force of order, the force of justice, the force of just action verified before the Divine law.

We can not react to violence with violence. To be upset and protest violently against violence is the same as the initial violence. Consequently our protest lacks true force. 

True force is in truth, it is in the integral and undivided conviction of the human being coming from the principles of the Inner Being.

Those of the ray of force are serene... It is said that in the physical presence of Master Samael one felt peace, serenity, deep relaxation and trust. All problems and negative forces dissipated into thin air...  

End (5018).

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