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Sunday 21 January 2024

Earth the Planet of Diplomacy - (5012)

The longer I live, the more I see that the Earth is really a planet of diplomacy.

Not because the Earth's key vibration is diplomacy, in the sense that for example, the key vibration of the planet Mars is spiritual strength, but because diplomacy is what we really need to relate amongst the human beings of the planet Earth.

Master Samael said that he came to the Earth to learn diplomacy. Because it is something lacking on the planet Mars because they are so direct and because the ego there is not very strong. 

A direct person always rubs people up the wrong way... Because the ego does not like to see the truth presented so clearly and forcefully.

If we observe all the Masters towards the end of their lives become in some ways diplomatic, as they have graduated from from the many lessons that dealing with humanity has given them. 

Diplomacy is needed here because the ego is so strong. If the ego was not so developed or if relativity and duality was not so acute, diplomacy would not be needed. 

Diplomacy is especially needed when bringing two different opposing points of view together. 

Because the ego is so strong even speaking about contrary interests, a certain degree of diplomacy is required so as to not risk a long and bitter breakdown in communications and relations.

Diplomacy is an art and an intelligence. One would say an art of speaking the truth in a less obvious way without falling into a lie. It is also the art of win-win. 

The question is though who is the diplomat. The diplomat is neither here or there. Who does the diplomat really serve or end up serving? Whose side is the diplomat on?

The diplomat is the one who has no side, but in the end, ends up taking a side, usually the side which serves personal hidden or vested interests. This is because the diplomat can not, no one for that matter can ride on two horses or sit on a fence for too long.

The lesson of the diplomat to avoid falling into astutely fulfilling the aims of the subconsciousness has to take a side and the best side is always the side of the consciousness, the Being, the work or the third solution.

End (5012).

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