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Sunday 21 January 2024

Great Efforts to Train Ourselves to Listen Beyond Anger - (5013)

Difficult but well worth the effort to do.

To train ourselves to listen for what's behind the anger. Either the anger of others or own.

We don't usually come to life with this skill. It is something we have to work at. Because it is an actively conscious action. Not a automatic, mechanical one.

To do it means to consciously chose to not listen to our anger and listen with our consciousness to find the issue behind the anger. 

What is it that is unfair or hurting in the other or in me that is causing that anger? Is the question to find an answer to.

To train ourselves to listen with serenity is another tremendous skill.

It means to listen without fear knowing that whatever is said is not something that must 'be' in this very moment. So the quick necessity of fear to react is not something that does not need to be.

End (5013).

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