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Monday 8 January 2024

It is Tough for the Black Waters to Sacrifice - (4993)

The black waters that we all come to the knowledge with make it difficult for us to make sacrifices.

Sacrifices are the engine for anyone's progress in the spiritual field and in any walk of life.

The waters are made black from relating with our sexual energy in an unedifying way. Losing the sexual energy in any way, lust, adultery, using it for egoical purposes (pride, vanity, ambition), surrendering to desire etc. are ways of relating to the sexual energy that make it black.

The reason why this is, is because the actions that make the waters black do not require any kind of real conscious sacrifice. 

When we have the waters black we feel very uncomfortable, irritated, mysteriously fatigued and viscerally upset about making sacrifices, especially those that concern our possible spiritual development. 

There are many sacrifices, such as sacrifice our pain, our suffering, our egos and their desires as well as physical and psychological comforts etc. etc., that the black waters do not allow us to make.

To whiten the waters takes sacrifice and they are the result of sacrificing desire, laziness, many "I's" from previous sexualities, habits, ways of thinking and feeling, impressions and several other things that vary from individual to individual...

As the waters become more lighter or more refined we become more comfortable with making sacrifices.

Those who have whitened waters make sacrifices for the work and for the work of others with a certain happiness and calmness.

With sacrifice we help to whiten our waters and whitening our waters makes sacrifice easier. The more refined our mercury the more powerful it is.

That is why those on the path can make greater and greater sacrifices as the path itself calls for more and more, while at the same time the path refines more and more our mercury or waters.

End (4993).

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