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Monday 8 January 2024

Law of Seven is Vertical and the Law of Four is a Cross - (4991)

The Law of Seven is vertical. It always works in a line, that is along a line that is either descending or ascending. 

The seven chakras, the seven bodies, the seven notes in an octave, the seven serpents of fire and light, the seven centres, the seven rounds and the seven races are all organizations of the creative results of the Law of Three flowing down a line.

The Law of Four is a complete breadth, a completed spectrum, a full width. The Law of Four sets down the stages of work and movement that are required to go through. The Law of Four says that the four stages must be worked through to attain the unity of completion.

There are the four states of consciousness to complete the awakening, there are the four colours of the Alchemical waters to awaken the fire, there are the four qualities of the sphynx to develop for the path and there are the four cardinal points that span the globe, the worlds of Kabbalah, the four Kayas, the Four Kabirs, the four kingdoms, the four vedas, the four ages, the four gospels, the four ways, the four pillars, the four elements, the square and the cross, the four seasons, our four limbs, the four mathematical operations (+-/*), the four phases of the moon...

Four plus three equals seven. Three is a triangle and four is a cross. The creative forces plus the stages that these creative forces pass through to span and expand through creation, produces the law of seven which is the organization of creation.

End (4991).

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