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Tuesday 5 March 2024

Conditioning of the Past Notes - (5055)


These notes come from m.m.m.


We spend more time in the past than in the present.

The past is a important hierarchy in our thinking. It plays a large role in our life.

The past is series of states of consciousness.

The older we get the more we live in the past than in the present.

The past holds some kind of enchantment.

It is almost everything in us.

One of our main works is to become independent of the past and the egos that keep us attached to the past.

Our past is our abyss.

We create karmic links to the past. We must try very hard to not go back to the past.

Don't allow the past to spoil the present especially where the present holds marvellous opportunities.

The present is a formless state where the consciousness is present and in which the consciousness has not been moulded into any particular shape.

The mind has been moulded and has already acquired a rigid shape. 

The precise moment to release the grip of the mind on our consciousness is right now!

To live awakened is to live from moment to moment. To live here with no plans fully in the present.

A great key to liberate us from the past is to remember without memory of the past or without the emotion of the past.

When we don't remember without memory or emotion we liberate ourselves from the past.

Don't transfer the past to the present and the future.

The past perpetuates itself becoming a reality in the present over and over again.

The above occurrence shows us the subconscious always wins, it is greater than the consciousness which is the present.

All recurrence is the past.

A soul has destiny, and so a soul is one that that can free itself definitely from the past.

We repeat the past because of karmic debt.

The key to avoid recurrences is to know!

Remember without resentment and without karmic debt.

The psychological unfortunately becomes karmic.

Question: "What do you feel about the past?".  The conscious answer is: nothing.

Clear the subconscious and we will change the effect the past has on our present which will clear recurrences.

We must become strong and deny ourselves the right of developing a negative state of consciousness related to remembering the past.

To remember the past without emotion or 'memory' is to be awakened in the moment of remembering and it is how the awakened people deal with the past.

To liberate ourselves from the past is to trust the present.

The key is to redirect our attention from the past into the Being in the present moment.

Identification makes the past come back.

We identify with psychological states from the past.

When a value is dear to us, and it was broken, we easily identify with the past and the persona that living through the past event created (such as the victim persona).

We all have debts from the past and that is what gets us stuck in the past and that is also what stays with us through time.

The worst memory is the subconscious memory.

We can do irrational things when we open up the subconscious memory.

All falls create a trauma in us. The subconscious memory of trauma creates several obtuse and almost unknown rejections, fears and anxieties.

We must not make our memory of the past a universal value and judge everything by it.

The egos in us feed on the experience of the past. Lust is a clear example.

The mind remembers the past by associative thinking. The best is always to not identify with what the mind brings us.

Becoming aware of the present takes us straight out of the past.

To be dead is to not feel anything about the past. To have no concept of it, no feeling of it, no emotion or idea of it is to be dead to it.

We can't accept the thoughts of the past because they belong to a time that has long gone. 

In every event there is a value that is transferred to the past. We must be aware of this value if we find it difficult to remembering the past without emotion.

There is a taste or flavour of the past which we like.

The past seduces us. This is because we are attached to the value of the apost. The past holds certain memories that our egos need.

When a person feels empty they dive into the past. Because the only way to not feel empty is to try and fill themselves up with the past.

We must submit all our memories to the consciousness not to the mind.

We need to learn how to separate ourselves from painful memories.

End (5055).

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