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Wednesday 6 March 2024

Notes on Will (La Voluntad) - (5056)


These notes come from m.m.m.


We use will do million times a day.

The main expression of the will is in the emotional centre.

Will is an impelling force.

Will resides in the five centres of the human machine. 

Will and consciousness are in the essence.

Will plus consciousness equals action.

Consciousness needs a tool to act, which is will. Will alone is a blind force.

As the consciousness is conditioned, will is often misused.

In answering the question: "How do I relate to myself?" Will is a very important factor. It covers the area of how I relate to myself in word and action.

We often look for people who will complement and or compensate our will.

Values is what we invest our will into. 

In every desire there is an impelling force of will.

My will and your will is really sacred space within each person. The will of others for that reason is to be respected.

Two or more wills fight to see which one is stronger. a battle of wills.

People who have a strong will go through difficulties and transform the difficulty into triumph. This is one of the wonders of will.

Will is about knowing and doing.

Will and love is a powerful combination.

In each ego there is will.

Both will and consciousness belong to the spirit.

Will is about knowing and then doing. As soon as we do we complete the being.

Will converts to be the instrument of the ego to be something that is into an instrument of 'to be'.

Will in essence is an instrument of realisation.

We must use our will in the spiritual sense.

Will in life goes from the known to the known. However in the spirit it goes from the known to the unknown.

Will is present in the three brains and it often is used to organise our desires.

Will is also related to compensation, that is to achieve what I don't have. We use will to fulfill a need, to fulfill internally and externally what we lack.

There is will in life and will in the path. The best use of will is to use it to grow spiritually.

Will always has a goal or an end to achieve.

Will is not neutral. From being neutral comes nothing. 

Will without consciousness and or love makes us arrogant. 

To avoid responsibility is a lack of will.

Will has the ability to surmount obstacles.

Will is there within to be used to free ourselves. 

The human soul is the seat of will in us. The human soul helps us to liberate our will.

There is a temple of our Being in the causal world. How sacred is will. 

Atman may leave the physical vehicle but the human soul will always stay. As the human soul is trusted to fulfill the will of the Father - Atman.

We need to at first create a partnership between us the essence and the human soul., Consider the human soul to be our Father.

Where is our will? I tis in the five centres. The five centres house our will.

Karma is a compelling force that drives through our emotional centre.

The exists the development of a special 'causal centre' which is the centre of will that is created. BEfore that is created will expresses through the emotional centre. With the causal centre the Intimate CHrist within us can create new causes and therefore new effects in our life.

Our will is scattered amongst our centres and amongst our different egoos.

Unfortunately our will is in the hands of our subconscious.

Our past has a grip on more than 90% of our will.

Desire and memory are the instruments of karma.

The will of karma is a compelling force that does not at all take into account our personal will.

Our future is in our subconsciosu and in our past.

Will is the conscious design of the Inner Being to make something happen.

Fear and other factors and egos impede our will.

Our goal is to form a logical, clear, unified and coherent will within us.

Will produces concentration which produces a steady flow of work in one direction towards a goal.

Will is the only real force that keeps us standing. We must make it useful.

Give our Inner Being a strong will.

The divine reserves of will are in the casual. Force, love and strength are in our will. Just as the reserves of cosmic intelligence are in the Universal mind accessible with our solar mental body.

Use will to undo what has been created and conditioned.

Our will must not go beyond ourselves to influence and manipulate the will of others.

To know if our use of will is correct we need to discern using the following parameters:

Convenient, useful and necessary for the work, path or Being.

Sometimes we need to appeal to a superior force to know how to best use our will.

Will is always before action.

Will and past are very closely linked. The use of the will is preceded by the manifestation of the past.

Past-> Memory -> Will -> Action.

The same potential to act with our will is the same potential to stop and not use our will.

There can be no past without will.

Acceptance is the way to allow will to work inside of us. If we accept the will of the Being or of another force it will enter and work inside of ourselves. Others influence us only because we accept that will to work inside of ourselves.

People try to install their will in others. To be carried out over time.

End (5056).

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