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Tuesday 12 March 2024

Love in the Work Notes - (5058)

No doubt love is a powerful value that if we can evoke it and use it correctly, it makes sense that we would greatly benefit in any area of life, but most importantly in the area of our psychological and esoteric work, which is the area most important to us.

The right balance I believe is to speak about love in relation to the psychological and esoteric work.

There are the two sides, speak only about love on one side which enthralls and romances us but leaves us floating in the air with nothing to apply and then there is the other side of not speaking about it at all which makes us to miss out on some very important teaching.

We all have our particular relation to love. How do we relate to love?

Mars and Venus United in Love

Do we believe in love? Are disillusioned or conflicted about love? Do we dislike it or do we think that we can't love or we are unworthy of it? 

There are really many questions that we could ask ourselves to prompt the knowing of how we relate to love. To get deep into the subject we must be imaginative in the investigation of ourselves related to love.

To love we have to know how we relate to it. That is, to know what we think and feel towards it. As always is the case with ourselves, being a great mixture of light and dark, we will find things that are of fantasy and things that are real.

To know our fantasies or wrong perceptions of love is useful. As it is through these wrong perceptions or fantasies that we can know clearly and directly what love is NOT.

We have many fantasies about love. Truly we all do. We discover these fantasies upon intentional investigation or in time in the work and we know that we have come across a fantasy when we suffer.

It is obvious by the very nature of love that if we get it wrong it will be painful. Love is like a laser beam - used wisely and correctly it is magnificent but shone on the wrong object for too long it causes great damage.

The most important thing in relation to the value of love is to know how to love correctly.

We need the right perception of a virtue to make it work for us. This is true for love.

The wrong perception of a virtue creates defects within us. This applies to love also. Through the wrong perception of love we create h "I" of self-love which makes us to suffer very intensely at times.

To use any value of the essence we need to know what it is used for and in what areas and in what occasions. This applies to love also.

We all have to learn how to love and the triumph is in all of us learning how to love correctly. 

Love is supremely important in the life of everyone of us. We have to love. Even if it be something relatively unimportant or insignificant. We must create and make love to flow through us. It much like water and the sexual energy within us that it must flow.

Read this poem of the Three Butterflies by Farid Al-Din Attar: 

“The people of this world are like the three butterflies in front of a candle’s flame.

The first one went closer and said, ‘I know about love’.

The second one touched the flame lightly with his wings and said, ‘I know how love’s fire can burn.’

The third one threw himself into the heart of the flame and was consumed.”

Here are some areas where love is used in the work:

Love helps us to sacrifice.

Love transforms impressions. Love is a major transformer of impressions. With love present we can can take so many unpleasant impressions without reaction and with understanding instead.  

Use it to not judge. When love is in full flight within us we do not judge. Just as when we see someone that we love injured we are only interested in helping and healing them not in why they are in that state so that we can reprimand them, for example.

Love helps us to persist and maintain loyal to a cause, a project, an enterprise and group a partner etc.

Love helps us to see, to improve and deepen ourselves in understanding and quality.

Love unites. If we need to unite something outside or within ourselves we need to use love to do so. For example we must learn to love our sexual energy. If we don't sooner or later we introduce a battle amongst our centres which is never convenient.

To understand others we need love to do so. Love calls forth our consciousness and will to understand others.

When we ask for love we may take part in an esoteric experience physical or internal showing us the defects we need to dissolve so as to acquire love.

To dissolve anger we need love.

Love transforms hatred. It helps to dissolve fear.

Love helps us to pay karma. When we make that miracle of loving our karma we pay it off much more quickly. That is often the secret of the karmic lesson. To love the lesson and it is paid off.

Love is not an emotion. It is intelligence. Love sits above emotion. emotions in their nature come and go and switch from one pole to the other.

Love dies in the past and future and our mind kills it.

We must bring love into the area of sexuality to work correctly with the sexual energy.

We must bring love into the area where we use force.

We must bring love into the area where we use wisdom.

Transfer what we love atom by atom to the consciousness.


Love is remedy and correction.

Make answering with love instinctive, so that we instinctively and very quickly respond with love instead of counter attack and defensive reactive words and attitudes.

Never allow ourselves to stop loving and never stop the flow of love of others. We may not like the way they love but don;t stop them from loving just redirect their flow.

Absolutely no doubt what keeps us going forward in the work is love for the work!

End (5058). 

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