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Tuesday 12 March 2024

No One Can Take Your Love Away - (5066)

The love you carry within you is inside of you. No one can get inside of us and diminish that love.

This can only happen if we listen to what others say and then we ourselves diminish it. No one else diminishes it.

Others try to convince us to diminish it, if that love for something or someone is not convenient for their interests. But it only diminishes when we ourselves do it.

We are always responsible for it and in control of our love that we carry inside.

We should always allow love to flow even if it is not reciprocated because if we stop the flow of love inside of us we will feel miserable very soon.

We get angry when others insult us because we feel it lowers the love that we lave for ourselves. But that is an illusion of the "I". It is really untouched. How can it be affected when it is inside of us? 

We get angry really at ourselves for allowing the words or actions of others towards ourselves to lower the love we feel for ourselves which includes our essence and our Inner Being. 

We must be alert and aware when words, gestures or actions come to us that we must maintain that beautiful hold on the love we have inside. We do this by knowing clearly that it can not be affected by others only by ourselves and keep that love flowing towards our essence and the other. Remembering to stop the flow harms us.  

Doing the above magically frees us from the egos of others. When we drop the love in us we ask the other person: "Why did you say that?" "What are you thinking? etc. etc.

We may think it is unjust to not get angry at the other person. It is unjust to get angry at them because they didn't drop our love only we can do that. We should get angry at ourselves for doing that to ourselves. 

End (5066).

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