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Thursday 7 March 2024

Lust and Jealousy Have the Wrong View of Unity - (5036)

There does exist unity. Unity indeed is the goal. Unity within ourselves. Unity within the parts of the Being, unity of the three brains in the human machine, unity of consciousness and unity among other human beings.

Unity amongst human being for a cause, the cause of peace or for the common well-being of all beings...

The correct and sustainable view of unity, is the multiplicity in unity or using different words: a diversity that makes unity. This is the guide that the Absolute, the origin of creation, continually presents to us. 

We so often ignore that guide...

It is not wrong to seek unity, it is the balanced and most peaceful thing to do. However as with all things, in creation, there is a wrong or inconvenient way to go about things and there is a right or convenient way.

The line between the two zones - the zone of the right way and the zone of the wrong way, all depends on why and how unity is sought.

Lust and jealousy are in many ways at their depths about seeking a kind of unity. However they go about it the wrong way.

Both lust and jealousy have their particular vision of unity. This vision may not be correct and the way that they go about achieving that is not correct.

"A defect is the wrong perception of a value of the essence. A virtue is the correct perception of the value of the essence."

Jealousy avidly looks for and deconstructs any whiff of unity, which may often appear as closeness, kindness, influence or respect that falls outside of its vision of unity, which is an exclusive unity between a person and his or her partner or perhaps even an object like a violin.

The way jealousy seeks unity is a via certain control of the other person and via certain subtle or otherwise demands for closeness while at the same time deconstructing any other threat to that unity, or any distraction to that unity of the two people.

The role of jealousy is to protect a relationship. It does not see the aspect of trust. It sees a relationship as being healthy and good if there be tight closeness. Which in time if that closeness is out of balance produces stress. 

Lust seeks unity using the sexual energy with the other person of the opposite sex because of certain wanting something due to a deeper lacking. Often that lacking is love that we are not giving to others and ourselves which includes our Inner Being and our sexual energy.  

In that unity with the other person, using the sexual energy that lacking disappears. But later gapes open again and the cycle repeats. We have to use the sexual energy to unify ourselves, as well as unify with our sexual energy through our Inner Being. We can only ever unify with the primordial creative energy that gave ourselves life and presence through our Inner Being using transmutation - no other way. Because transmutation takes the energy in and up to our Inner Being.

End (5036). 

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