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Thursday 7 March 2024

Value of Hope Notes - (5057)


A class given by m.m.m.


The virtue of hope dissolves the following four negative states of consciousness:

1.) Desperation

2.) Anxiety

3.) Despondency

4.) Uncertainty

In uncertainty we can also find traces of doubt and skepticism, which the virtue of trust can counteract.

Panic appears in us when we lose hope.

Trust also helps to counteract anxiety.

Hope is something positive, that creates positive internal states.

The bridge between hope and reality is work.

Hope makes us to work. Hope activates positively our will to work towards reality.

If we hope for the Being we are awaited for in the temples of the internal worlds. As an act of reciprocity because we have hoped, we are waited for.

If we have hope and faith in the Gods they have hope for us and faith in us. They give us hope and faith as we give them hope and faith.

We must give hope and faith first!

We must know all that gives hope and be agents of hope.

The teachings give hope to people. Testimonies of the work give others hope.The experiences of others give hope and the results of others all give us hope.

Desperation is the direct negation of hope. In spanish 'des' is a negation and esperanza is hope. 

When people have known to have lost all hope they have committed suicide.

Hope extends the possibility of succeeding.

Hope buys us time!

Hope and intuition are also related. In the sense that our intuition tells us when to hope and when not to as there is no possibility.

If we keep working onward and onward we give continuation to the force and power of hope.

Yearning plus work equals hope (yearning + work = hope).

With the experience of yearning and working hope will arise in us naturally without doing anything. It is a natural by-product of yearning and working.

The foundations of hope are yearning and working.

Hope is something real. It has a whole, solid, authentic presence within us, indicating to us that it comes from the Inner Being.

The four virtues of hope, faith, love and trust restore the balance within ourselves.

In Lemuria when the values of hope, faith and love began to falter the ego grew out of control.

A virtue is the correct perception of a value of the essence. A defect is the wrong perception of a value of the essence.

The five powers of hope, faith,love, trust and consciousness conquer the abyss inside of us.

These powers are ontological and they possess great power.

Each Monad has It's Interior Law based in these five powers mentioned above.

We must put into practice these five powers every day.

When we practice daily we create memory of these five powers in action and we start to create ontological memory which counteracts our karmic memory. 

This is what is called the affirmative psychology of the Being. Here we constantly affirm the Inner Being.

As we create our ontological memory we begin to remember events from the remote past when we were not fallen or when we experienced the values of the Being.  

The five powers consolidate the mind. Strengthen the body, the blood and the hormones.

The masters of the Divine Law hold many keys such as these to isolate and heal themselves from the great pain that humanity experiences and often radiates out into the superior worlds and into the palace of the Divine Law. 

We have to pray to the Divine Law with love, truth and justice. In that order!

Petition the Law in the name of love. Ask with justice supported by the truth.

The Divine Law is made up of these three divine values: Love, Justice and Truth.

In the Absolute there is the lack of human love and our role is to take the love we develop here amongst and with human beings up into the Absolute, as as to help the Absolute from inside through its own parts or Monads.

End (5057).

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