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Friday 22 March 2024

Virtue of Beauty - (5080)

Beauty is a virtue, but one not understood all that well. True too, we are all attracted to beauty.

Those men and women who walk down the cat walks and are the cover magazines and play the main roles in romantic comedies are not really beautiful...

The true virtue of beauty is something of the soul. It is the light that shines from the nobility of the soul. It is the harmony of thought, feeling and action that radiates from the essence of any person that has an organised psyche and can express the eternal values of their Inner Being.

From this point of view even the physically ugliest person can be beautiful because of the high degree of values and clear outward expression of those values.

Any act of kindness and love is beautiful. In fact all the virtues of the soul in action are beautiful. They all move and inspire us which is what beauty does.

God can only be beautiful. As in the past all the Gods were depicted with great beauty.

Back hundreds of years again when things were different to now, the law of correspondence worked accurately where the inside and the outside corresponded to each other. Now the inside and outside do not often correspond. Now days we can not trust that a beautiful physical body equates to a beautiful interior rich in the perennial values of the soul.

Afterall what benefit would it bring to be next to someone so physically handsome or attractive yet they only utter disdain and spite and very little of what they say and do has love, compassion, justice or truth in it? None right. 

A good sign to know that we are changing  is when we no longer give physical beauty any importance, we only see and look for the beauty of the interior and we in our own work strive for the beauty of our interior to manifest in all our words and actions.

End (5080).

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