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Friday 22 March 2024

Brain Inquietude Basic Info - (5081)


The meaning of any inner inquietude that we feel is to know more about the topic of the inquietude through direct experience.

To know more often starts with understanding intellectually what is known about the topic.

This post is a collection of information about the brain. It represents the seeking of infroimationt o begin to fulfil an inquietude.

Brain Virtue and Awakening

No doubt that the brain pays a hugely important role in the awakening our consciousness and in the relation between body, mind, consciousness and our Inner Being.

I heard recently that the virtues are centred in our brain, and that when a person fully awakens their consciousness, all the cells of the brain become illuminated making the brain to become like a light bulb - fully luminous.

Basic Info

Different Brains

Human brain in comparison to other species. Interesting.

Functional Areas of Our Brain

Brain Workings

Chemicals in the Brain

Brain Injury

End (5081).

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