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Saturday 23 March 2024

Working on the Virtue Calls the Virtues from within the Darkness - (5082)

When we are working to cultivate a value of our Inner Being commonly known as a virtue we do two things.

One is that we educate and train our free essence in the ways or psychology of the virtue/value. The second thing that we do, which happens later and often without us knowing, is that we start to call that value/virtue from wherever else it is within us.

This second thing that we do is very important to know about.

Many are the people who study and practice the virtues through the means of yoga and other spiritual forms only later to exprience intense darkness.

This happens because people do indeed develop the virtue, they educate their essence and their centres in the virtue and they reach a certain plateau. All the light they have is cultivated and that light is powerful and magnetic and it draws the same virtue out within us. The only place left to draw that same value out is from within the darkenss from where it is trapped within us, in our "I's".

If we have love and we want more love where will it come from? It has to come from our anger, our lust, our self-love, our self-hatred, our self-compassion wherever our love is trapped.

So then all this darkness comes out for us to free the value from it. If we are not ready and we do not know about the dissolution of the "I" we fail miserably. We get overwhelmed by the intensity of the darkenss.

In other words we are overwhelmned by the results of our previous work. We either with great conscious efforts triumph and extract the light or the value from the darkenss or we give up so that the darkenss subsides, or we succumb to darkenss which is the more unfortunate thing. Perhaps only after a while do we recover and return to the work on ourselves once again.

End (5082).

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