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Sunday 21 April 2024

The Three Faces of God - (5117)

From a conversation with a fellow Gnostic brother I leant about this teaching which comes from another spiritual teacher and writer: Ken Wilber

The teaching says that God for the human being has three faces: 

1.) God in me.

2.) God in you.

3.) God everywhere.

How true is that. God is in those three areas. Our relationship to God is really threefold. It is about being able to see God in those three areas to have a complete relationship to God.

It is quite profound. It is really saying that if we can't see God in any of those three areas we are not relating well to God. 

We may be able to see God in nature, in the stars, in the heavens but not in ourselves and in others then something is unbalanced and this will certainly have profound ramifications in our psychology, in our ways of thinking and in our attitudes and concepts.

The same if we can only see God in ourselves and in no one else or in no other part of creation. We would become terribly proud - a mythomaniac I dare say. Which is really unhealthy.

End (5117).

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