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Tuesday 23 April 2024

Each Virtues Does Something - Truth Liberates - (5118)


This post is a series of notes for a presentation on the working practically with virtues.


Each virtue does something and gives us something. Each virtue has a cause and effect. Love gives warmth and joy, wisdom - illumination, faith - strength and truth - freedom.

According to what we yearn for (effect) we choose the virtue (cause) to produce it.

If we need to heal ourselves or others or a particular situation, the effect is healing or repair and the cause of that is the right virtue.

Conclusion to this point is that each virtue or value is causative or causal in nature.

The word and the sexual energy are also causative or causal. Telling us, that to enhance the causal power of any virtue, our use of the word and our sexual energy must align with the virtue and not go against it.

Each virtue uses the word. The use of the word that affirms the virtue is the use that we need. Each virtue requires creative energy to act. Consciously moving and investing our sexual energy into the virtue empowers it with creative energy.

Which is the most important virtue to develop?

They are all linked! We all need to develop different virtues at different times. The one we need now is the most important. However we can not go wrong with developing consciousness or love or humility.

The true development of any virtue leads to a degree of development of the others.

We know what we need to develop knowing our lacks.

Developing a virtue is a matter of introducing it's ways into the centres of our human machine. 

The way of each virtue comes from a state of consciousness. Each virtue represents a way of thinking and feeling of the consciousness that flows according to the principles and laws of the virtue. You may call it a particular mind-set with its truths. 

The virtues have some common laws and principles. Passive mind, passive personality and giving of itself.

We can start by developing a virtue right now. Even if the circumstances to exercise and develop it are not present right now. Because the development of the virtue starts in the intellect and the emotion.

We must study the ways of the virtue until a sense of it begins to form in our intellectual centre and in our the emotional part of our intellectual centre. 

The best way to study the virtue is in action. The way to do that is to find someone who has that virtue and keenly observe them in action, ask them questions and learn from them. If we can't find someone, then study someone who has the opposite of hte virtue and study them by doing the opposite. We can study using both hands: right and left, light and dark.

This is really how a group working on themselves can help each other, The virtues are distributed amongst all people so as to serve as examples for everyone to learn from.

From emotional part of the intellect it can enter the emotional centre. From within the emotional centre we must spend the most time developing the emotion of the virtue, which is the embracing and accepting of the virtue, in other words the powering up of the virtue. 

The emotional centre is close to action. 

We need to always give octaves of the virtue.

The right virtue is a magic solution. If the virtue we are choosing is not doing magic we have simply chosen the wrong one.

The final goal is to put the virtue into the instinctive centre, where it becomes our nature.

Have to know the following:

1.) What the virtue gives.

2.) What the virtue repairs or heals.

3.) How the virtue thinks

4.) How the virtue feels

5.) What the virtue does.

6.) How the virtue responds.

7.) What is the scope of the virtue. Where it starts and ends.

8.) What is the exaggeration of the virtue.

9.) What egos one must die in to allow the virtue.

10.) Know the environment and the opportunity to exercise the virtue.

Some virtues are so critical to hold a given situation together. The absence of these virtues causes things to crumble. Master Samael said that if he were to lose one drop of sexual energy the Gnostic Movement would fall apart.

The Step by Step Flow is: 

1.) Know the virtue that you are going to develop by assessing the lack.

2.) Know the virtue. Study: read and observe.  

3.) Embrace it in the intellectual centre. 

4.) Look for the feeling of it in the intellect. It has now passed to the emotional part of the intellect.

5.) Start to them work with emotionally. Embrace it, accept it emotionally. Feel the virtue.

6.) Exercise the virtue in intellect and emotion.

7.) Begin the great learning of the art of the virtue through action, the result of  intellect and emotion.

8.) Actively seek the environment and opportunities to develop the virtue.

The development of each virtue turns into an art. 

The virtues change our destiny, enhance our mystical death and free us from stagnation.

End (5118).

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