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Wednesday 17 April 2024

Father as Wisdom, Mother as Love and Son as Force - (5114)

As Master Samael says the Father embodies wisdom and the Mother Love and the HUman Soul will.

The Father just as wisdom seems to be so indifferent and aloof, yet his is how wisdom makes Him. While the Mother is so close and overbearing, yet this how love makes her. 

What is best is father-mother, wisdom and love working together complementing each other. The result is the son - true force or another word for it is conscious will.

True force is loving and wise force. Force that is motivated by love and directed by wisdom. Love gives force the why and wisdom gives force the how. Both love and wisdom combine to know when. 

Both Father and mother have force and their force is in the son and the son being conscious will goes to rescue or help the essence out of its various predicaments in life. The best of both is in the son. That is why the human soul is so adored.

One of the roles of force in creation is to rescue and lift out of predicament, especially in difficult situation. That is why Master Samael as Avatar had to come at the end of cycle, in humanity's darkest hours.

End (5114).

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