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Wednesday 17 April 2024

Some Notes on the Word Esoteric - (5113)

The Word Notes - Esoteric Sphere


From the Glossary of --- to ---


“Greek λόγος, from λέγω lego "I say," means Verb or Word. The unifying principle. The Logos is the manifested deity of every nation and people; the outward expression or the effect of the cause which is ever concealed. (Speech is the "logos" of thought). The Logos has three aspects, known universally as the Trinity, Trikaya, or Trimurti. These are related to the three primary forces behind all forms of creation. Note the three logoi here:

"In the beginning was the Logos, and the Logos was with Theos, and the Logos was Theos. He was with Theos in the beginning. Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. In him was life, and that life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, but the darkness has not overcome it." - John 1

"...the Logos, the fundamental intelligent principle of nature." - Samael Aun Weor, Gnostic Anthropology

The First Logos is the Father, Brahma, Kether.

The Second Logos is the Son, Vishnu, Chokmah.

The Third Logos is the Holy Spirit, Shiva, Binah.

One who incarnates the Logos becomes a Logos. In Buddhism, the Logos is the Trikaya: Dharmakaya, Sambogakaya, Nirmanakaya.

"The Logos is not an individual. The Logos is an army of ineffable beings." - Samael Aun Weor, Endocrinology & Criminology”


In the beginning sound was first, before light. Sound or the word starts creation and light emerges in the process of creation.

The Logos sounds, and if there is sound there is vibration and if there is vibration there is movement and if there is movement there is life.

The Law of Vibration

Sound is everywhere in the cosmos, which is often referred to as Universal Sound. According to the Law of Vibration, as there is sound everywhere everything must then be vibrating at some degree or another. If there is vibration there must be movement and if there is movement there must be energy. 

As everything vibrates, all these vibrations form a great ensemble which then produces a great overarching sounds. The Earth has its sound, each planet has its sound and each solar system has its sound and each galaxy has its particular sound. 

In the great scheme of the cosmos we find the sounds and rhythms of creation, of which the latter come from the law of activity and response. Combining the sounds and rhythms of creation a cosmic symphony is produced. The whole of the cosmos is then sustained by and marches according to this symphony.

Everything in the universe is a vibration, a sound. Every activity has it’s particular sound.

The Law of Octaves

The Law of Octaves governs sound, in a very similar way to musical notes. 

“The word octave comes from Medieval Latin octava, from Latin, feminine of octavus eighth, from octo "eight," and refers to the difference in sound between the first and eighth notes on a musical scale, thus indicating that the eighth note repeats the first, but higher or lower. To symbolize this, humanity has long used a scale to represent the steps between the first and eighth notes:



The parts of every human body vibrate and therefore produce sound. The sum of all these sounds produce a single sound called the keynote. 

We get in touch with this sound when we remember ourselves and it is the sound of our Inner Being. If someone were to play that sound and amplify it we would die.

By the Law of Resonance playing at the same sound as the keynote of an object or causes the keynote of the object to vibrate more intensely. 

Our very own brain emits a certain sound that we can hear in mediation and helps us with entering higher states of consciousness. Concentrating on this sound in our brain can help us unfold into the astral. This sound often resembles the sound of wind, flute playing or crickets.

The Earth itself emits a certain sound called in esotericism the NIRIOONOSIAN sound.


The word itself teaches us this: mantra is Sanskrit made up of two Sanskrit words: 'manas' and 'trai'. Manas means mind or thought or reflection and trai means protect or be free from. Putting these two meanings together we see that the word 'mantra' means to be free from the mind.

So with a mantra we can free our mind to experience our consciousness and our consciousness can then in turn experience the sound hidden in the mantra, which is a vibration, an energy of a cosmic order.

The traditions say that if you know the name of something you can gain mastery over it. This would be the inner name. Knowing its vibration, its sound we can identify with it and therefore with our consciousness being aware of the identification we can know its inner qualities.

The objective of mantra is to connect the mind to the cosmic mind, where our mind can then dip into the primordial sounds of the cosmos. Mantras are to cause our consciousness to lift away from our mind and to experience the vibration of a certain thing.  


In the Golden Age of the Earth the Golden Language (sacred universal language) was spoken. It consisted of 52 vowels and was vastly richer and it was the era when the Divine Being through the human could command nature with this language. 

As a remnant of this language, Hebrew and Sanskrit are sacred mantric languages. Where the words have mantric power are linked to the primordial cosmic sounds.

Word Intimately Linked to Cause and Effect

The word is causal. The word is intimately linked to the scales of justice (balance), meaning it is intimately linked to the Law of Cause and Effect. 

The word creates and in doing so, sets in place a chain of consequences. We have a karmic responsibility for each word that we speak.

When a person teaches esotericism their words are weighed on the scale and the results processed by the Law of Katancy. 


Prayer is powerful. Prayer is made by the word and much of its power comes from the power of the word. We need to know how to pray properly. Which consists in placing behind our words the appropriate power.

Because we do not align the three brains when we pray we often find the opposite or something else results. Nature always answers the stronger force behind our words.


All religions use sound and mantra:

From the Buddhist tradition:

Om Mani Padme Hum (I bow to the jewel in the lotus of the heart)

Nam myoho renge kyo (Homage to the lotus sutra)

Sabbe sattā sukhi hontu (May all beings be happy)

Gate gate paragate parasaāgate bodhi svaha (Gone, gone, gone beyond, gone utterly beyond, Hail          the awakened one)

From the Christian tradition:

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me

Hail Mary, full of grace

From the Jain tradition:

Namokar mantra (bowing down to the conquerors of the senses)

Pratikramana prayer (asking for forgiveness)

From the Jewish tradition:

Shema Yisrael Adonai Eloheinu, Adonai Echad (Hear O Israel:

The Sovereign our God, the Sovereign is One)

Shalom (Peace)

Elohim (a name for God)

From the Muslim tradition:

Allahu Akbar (God is great)

Bismillah Al-Rahman, Al-Rahim (In the name of God, most

Gracious, most Compassionate)

From the Sikh tradition:

Wahe Guru (wonderful teacher)

Mool Mantra (basic teaching)

The word is instrumental in creating any atmosphere among human beings.

The word creates in geometry in space. When a tape recorder records onto a magnetic tape geometric forms are left on the tape. When the sound of the OM travels through a board of sand after a time a beautiful geometrical figure forms. 

Colour is a vibration, which is a sound. There is an intimate link between sound and colour. Our keynote produces a sound which in turn produces the colour of our aura.

Kundalini it has been said in Gnosis is condensed sound, That is the condensed sound of our the Akash within our microcosmos.

End (5113).

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