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Friday 5 April 2024

Notes on the Word - (5102)

The Word or Verb is a cosmic value. It is present in all spheres through creation and beyond creation.

It is easier to relate to the Word as a cosmic value after having studied it in the psychological and human spheres.

If we examine human life, we will see that the Word is an integral part of life. Life as we know it would quickly disassemble if the Word ceased to exist.

We see that the word is very important and very powerful in human life.

The same applies to our psychology. Without the word, we would not be able to think as we do.

Thoughts are words and images.

In many ways the language we speak and consequently think with, has a psychology which plays a significant role in forming or conditioning our own psychology. 

For example, in English there is only one word for love. In Spanish there are several words to for the different kinds of love. Meaning those who speak Spanish know because of their language about the different degrees and classes of love, which opens up different ways of expressing love.

There are basically four types of word: spoken, written, inner and silent. The spoken word is not the only expression of the word.

Silence is also classed as the word. Silence says many things. Silence itself is a valid answer and sometimes the wisest answer.

There are instances where it is wrong to speak and wrong to keep silent.

The word creates, maintains and destroys. It has the power to lift a person up from the floor as well as the power to disarm the most difficult and tensest of conflicts. It also can destroy reputations in a few instants and terribly divide people held together by ancestral bonds.

The level of being of a person is certainly expressed in their word. In what is said and in what use they give to their word.

The word is magic. It creates according to the intention we infuse into it.

Words make up the highest percentage of impressions that we take in. Theya re also the more important impressions that we give to others.

The word has a very sexual connection and in days past, the ‘word of honour’ existed, where one saw one’s word as a sacred part of one’s self and to fulfil one’s word was to honour oneself and the other person.

There was in the past a kind of integration with our word. We were only as good as our word. Now days there is a great divide. Where little attention is paid to honouring our word.

When we lie we produce a disconnection according to the degree with our Inner Being. There are several ways of lying. Lying through the different expressions of the word, speaking, writing, silence and within our psychology. 

Each ego is a lie and when we identify with an ego we are lying within ourselves to ourselves.

There are some important aspects of the word to become aware of. They are tone, volume and rhythm.

Often it is not what people say, it is how they say it that offends. Alo how quietly or loudly words are spoken can also frustrate, scare or annoy others.

We can see that each ego has a particular use of the word. Each ego introduces its particular content of interest and manipulates the volume, rhythm and tone of the word for its purposes.

If we change our word we will change our life. Because our word being creative will be set up different circumstances.

We need to rescue our word. Rescue it from the ego that is. This work has four stages: study, control, refine and purify.

Excessive talking is like fornication, it can break the Hermetic seal where little can then be created.

The more we speak about something the further we go from action. Word and action are always meant to be together.

The inner word is very powerful. It has the unique power of creating our internal states. If we are sad it was because sad words were spoken in our mind.

Our goal is to become impeccable with our word.

To become impeccable with our word requires much consciousness of the effects of our words, as well as a clear knowledge of the psychology behind our words, in the way we speak to others and receive the words of others.

End (5102).

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