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Thursday 4 April 2024

Virtue Notes - (5095)

Notes Part 1

These are notes taken during a class.

We must not intellectualise the virtues but give them immediate action.

The more essence we have the more virtues can be crystallised into it and the more virtue can be expressed.

To have more essence we need to free more essence through mystical death.

All the virtues are expressed in accordance to the 'level of being' of a person.

A person has a minimum of each virtue. With the work on ourselves that is expanded upon.

Each of us have to develop certain virtues in each life that we have.

Circumstances to develop those needed virtues will repeat and repeat until we develop them.

The virtues are also sent to us from our Inner Being to be manifested here in the physical. 

A characteristic of the awakened consciousness is love. A characteristic of the ego is selfishness.

The virtues extend from Monad to Monad. The defects go from ego to ego, they are very limited.

The essence of love is others. The opposite of love is selfishness.

Selfishness is against the oneness, against the unity and the Absolute.

To know if we are expressing a defect or virtue we have to pay attention to the end result.

The virtue does not discriminate. The virtues has 'eyes' to see. It sees beyond ourselves. The defect does not see beyond that.

The power of the virtues are grandiose. Their power is greater than the power of the defects. At present we can see how powerful the defects are. They currently rule the world. Imagine then how powerful the virtues are.

The virtues are a powerful spiritual causal factor. The defects are causal also, yet they are a causal power that works through the mind in relativity and duality that then controls the emotion and action.

The causal power of the virtue goes beyond the mind into the essence beyond relativity and duality which the mind is not capable of doing.

To exercise the virtue we really need to overcome huge obstacles. Fear being the major obstacle.

The ego has inverted causal power connected to the abyss. Whereas the causal power of the virtues comes from the Monad.

Sometimes in the expression of the virtue there is a loss, however it converts later into an extraordinary gain. With the defect it is a loss and then another loss. 

There is no reasoning in the virtues. The ego reasons too much. The ego uses the mind - logic, reasons and justifications. The virtues are above reasoning.

The virtues do not classify like the mind of the defect does.

Those who have the virtue do not justify it or defend it. They are just it, they are the virtue.

It is direct action from the Being that gives and gives.

Love is one of the greatest of all virtues that dissolves all the inferior powers.

Love is always between two souls or two parties.

Love dissolves divisions and borders while the ego creates them. Karma is limiting and so the defect is an agent of karma.

The virtues dissolve the karma. Because karma is pain and the virtues are from the Being which is not pain. The virtues always liberate.

The consequences of using a virtue are positive. We can not exaggerate virtues because the result will be negative.

Justice restores the balance of the Being.

In the power of the virtue sacrifice is not about sacrificing others it is about sacrificing ourselves and our inferior nature or defects.

Dignity, majesty and balance are present in all the virtues.

In the virtues a superior good replaces an inferior one.

Know where the virtue is coming from within us. Either the awakened essence, the mind or an ego.

The virtues increase and enhance yourself and others.

Sometimes because of love we have to say no also.

The virtues usually always go beyond the interests of the mind and the ego. Because they are of a superior nature.

The virtues also help us to restore justice. They restore the equality of the outer and inner scales. They give us dharma.

Compassion is loving myself as a soul and as a Being. As a soul of my being not as a human being. As soon as we love ourselves as a soul of a Being we then cut away all these weaknesses, vices and defects. True compassion is to love ourselves consciously in the Monad.

Not loving ourselves consciously results to loving our mind and ego which increases the strength of our defects and vices.

The superior mission of our body is for us to do our work and for us to work with our Inner Being to fulfill its work.

Virtues run along side the points of reference of the work, the Being and the path. They do not run along side life, mind, ego etc. For example we are patient with ourselves in the time taken to dissolve and "I" and pay a karma. Not patient with pour defects, allowing all the time needed to express themselves. 

Applying the virtues makes us to change!

Notes Part 2

Any virtue not in its place creates an ego.

In relation to the virtue of justice, the consciousness radically awakens when we balance correctly the virtue of justice.

The use of justice is to restore the balance, dignity and majesty of the Monad.

All exaggeration destroys the virtue.

The corrupted virtue turns evil into good on one side only.

The virtue is uni-total it brings good to both or all sides involved.

This is the major difference between the corrupted virtue and the virtue. The virtue is uni-total.

The virtue is above relativity and duality while the corrupted virtue is conditioned by it.

The ego has a virtue but on one side.

The virtue is neutral. It is blind to relativity and duality, it is however clairvoyant to its own application in justice.

The virtue is an instrument of the inner Being and the Divine Law to compensate and repair.

The corrupt virtue is an instrument of the ego and the karma.

To accept a virtue the essence must have a bit of awakening and a bit of the same virtue.

The virtue serves to amend the karam and also intelligently pay the karma.

Charity, service, sacrifice, help, altruism, benevolence, co-operation, solidarity, disinterested love, etc. are some virtues necessary for the third-factor.

The interior Anubis impulses us to cultivate and use the virtue in practical life and in the karmic situations of our life.

The ego transforms the virtue to do good for only one person, ourselves or our family.

The point of reference of the virtues is the consciousness.

Each virtue is an opening and an expanding power.

Temptation is the instrument to transform a virtue into a defect (corrupted virtue).

Virtue pertains to the field of the Being and to the field of the Divine Law, where it can be used as an instrument for good (Dharma) or evil (karma).

One virtue is connected to all other virtues and if are to develop one we will draw others and the virtues multiply. Just as the ego does.

End (5095).

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