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Wednesday 29 May 2024

How to Find the Light - (5159)

Two Ways

This post gives two ways to find the light inside of ourselves.

First Way

Dedicate ourselves to periods of intense observation of what arises inside of ourselves. 

See what arises adn look deeply seeing what is behind it. Seeing what is it really. Discover the new, know ourselves better.

From practice, it is better to dedicate five intense minutes then stop and carry on with our day's tasks. A little later on do another five minutes. Doing this is better than trying the whole day but not really doing it intensely. 

The end goal of course is to observe intensely the whole day intensely. But we have to start off doing it right and build up the right way of doing it. Not doing it wrongly and continue doing it wrongly getting frustrated in the process.

For intense observation we need a good amount of alert attention. Which we all have. Our attention must be fine tuned, sharp and alert to catch the wispy thoughts and feelings.

Second Way

The other avenue is to interact externally and observe how our psychology clashes. In the sparks of the clash is the opportunity for light. 

Imperative is to observe intensely!

We can do this by reading, talking, walking and in general it all comes about by observing our judging and our stating of beliefs and concepts. 

To whatever we observe question its truth and use our judgements to discover how we are actually what we judge.

End (5159).

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