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Thursday 30 May 2024

Powers of Life and Death in Alchemy - (5156)

The powers of life and death function in the alchemical process, just as they function in the many fields of life.

It is true that anyone who practices Alchemy learns about the forces of the cosmos in all the centres.

When the couple transmute the powers of life are present, charging both with the energies of life. To wield the power to create and to bring some new and internal to life.   

When both concentrate on the Divine Mother for the dissolution of the "I" then both wield the power of death. That is the power to dissolve or undo so as to give new life.

Both life and death are powers, and both give to one another and empower the essence with certain capacities. The powers of life brings us the energy and strength of life and the powers of death bring us the freedom and light we have within. 

Both powers empower us in a complete way. We musn't forget that death is a power too and that it also empowers us with the sublime, just as life does. In other words, we should not feel scared of the power of death because it frees and transforms us.

End (5156).

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