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Thursday 30 July 2015

The Secret of Alchemy - (477)


This article reveals the secret of Alchemy. Many people through the centuries have looked for this secret and I believe that the sincere seekers somehow found it. However those who wanted to find the secret for the reasons of greed and vanity may have never found it, and instead remained stuck in the literal interpretation of the symbols and text, and as a consequence never penetrated into the real nature of the secret, which has to do with working with the power that gave rise to the human being and is the only power that can legitimately and authentically transform the human being.

The most interesting thing though is that this key even though it was heavily guarded in the past has now been publicly unveiled, and there are good reasons for that, which is covered in this article.

Introduction to the Excerpts

The following three excerpts reveal the key of Alchemy and explain more about the key itself. Please note for Excerpt 3, that Lemuria and Atlantis were very remote ancient civilizations of the planet Earth.

Excerpt 1 – the Secret Secretorum of Alchemy

“In order to create the internal bodies, some artifice is necessary. This artifice is the secret secretorum of ancient Alchemists.

This secret secretorum is the Arcanum A.Z.F., which can be synthesized as follows: “Sexual connection without spilling the semen (without orgasm), without the ejaculation of the Ens Seminis.” This is how the creative energy is transmuted.”

Excerpt from the lecture: “The Arche”, by V.M Samael Aun Weor.

Excerpt 2 – the Secret Secretorum of Alchemy

48.  All the Initiates who wanted to spread the Great Arcanum prior to me have died.

49. In the Middle Ages, all the Initiates who tried to divulge the Great Arcanum were killed. Some were killed by means of the shirts of Nessus, some were poisoned by perfumed bouquets, some died by the dagger, or by the scaffold.

50. In the ancient Egypt of the Pharaohs, those who intended to divulge the Great Arcanum were sentenced to the death penalty.

51. Their head was cut off, their heart was torn out and their ashes were thrown into the four winds.

52. There exists only one man in life who divulged the Great Arcanum and who did not die.

53. I am that man, I am Samael Aun Weor.”

Excerpt from the book: “A Treatise of Alchemy”, chapter 15 by V.M Samael Aun Weor.

Excerpt 3 – the Secret Secretorum of Alchemy


1. When the soldiers of Nebuchadnezzar penetrated into the Sanctum Sanctorum of the Temple of Solomon, they became frightened before the terrible symbol of the Great Arcanum.

2. The two Cherubims of the Ark of Alliance were touching each other with the tip of their wings, and they were in the sexual position of man and woman during copulation.

3. The Babylonians asked the Jews, “Is this your God?”

4. “Is this the purity of your God that you so much preconize?”

5. The Priests of Jerusalem remained silent because this is the terrific secret of the Great Arcanum.

6. The two Cherubims, male and female, performing copulation, represent the essence of all forms, the crude matter of the Great Work, the elemental waters of life, the sexual force of Eden, the Mercury of the Secret Philosophy fertilized by the solar fires.

7. The Great Arcanum is the seventh great Mystery of Creation enclosed within the seventh seal of the Apocalypse (Revelation).

8. The number of this Great Arcanum is 888 (eight hundred and eighty-eight).

9. This is the Reed of Magicians.

10. Every Septenary is reduced to our Spiritual Triad.

11. Together, the medulla and the ganglionic cords have the form of the Caduceus of Mercury, the form of the number eight.

12. With the fifth, sixth, and seventh Initiation of Major Mysteries, the eight is established in the Causal Body (Superior Manas or body of will), the Buddhic body (body of consciousness), and the Atmic Body which is the vehicle of the Intimate.

13. Thus, the 888 is established in our perfect Triad.

Excerpt from the book: “A Treatise of Alchemy”, chapter 27 by V.M Samael Aun Weor.

Excerpt 4 – the Secret Secretorum of Alchemy

17. In the Temples of Lemuria, men and women entered into sexual contact in order to reproduce the species, but none of them spilled the semen (reached the orgasm).

18. The divine Hierarchies utilized one sperm in order to fertilize the womb. One sperm easily escapes from the hormonal vessels.

19. There is no need to fornicate to reproduce the species.

20.  Seminal ejaculation is an exclusive property of the animal species, but not of the human species.

21. The human being must make his semen rise through the two ganglionic cords to the chalice (the brain).

22. The Black Magicians were the ones who taught the human being how to ejaculate the semen like the animals.

23. The Black Magicians of the opposite pole of the sanctuary of Vulcan taught the human being Black Sexual Magic. This was their treason to the mysteries of Vulcan.

24. The mysteries of sex are from the Sanctuary of Vulcan.

25. The guardians of that Sanctuary committed the crime of betraying the mysteries when they allowed themselves to be seduced by those brothers of darkness.

26. Black Magicians ejaculate the semen during the acts of negative Sexual Magic.”

Excerpt from the book: “A Treatise of Alchemy”, chapter 27 by V.M Samael Aun Weor.


The key of the Alchemy is one which was heavily guarded, simply because the time to publicly reveal it had not yet arrived. However now, in the times in which we are living the time to reveal it has come. Why? Because humanity is now in a time where it is needed, the level of degeneration now is much greater than ever before and as the practice of Alchemy is one of the most powerful keys to regenerate the human being it is readily available to those who are looking for the chance to regenerate before the general waves of degenerate wash over and submerge completely those who are wanting to find it.

The key is very simple and one, which has certainly in the past been scorned and scoffed at, however as the most important thing in life is one’s own life, the key to total transformation must be to do with the power that brought this life into being, and that power is in sex itself, and in the sexual energy.
After all so many of eh Alchemical drawings show man and woman, or the masculine and feminine principles working together to create or produce something, so many of these drawings have to indicate to us that the art of Alchemy has something to do with the interaction between the two poles of life, that is masculine and feminine or man and woman.

End (477).


  1. "The Great Arcanum is the seventh great Mystery of Creation enclosed within the seventh seal of the Apocalypse (Revelation)."

    It means that the seventh seal has already been opened?

  2. Now I know. The silence has already commenced. The angels have already begun sounding their trumpets.

  3. "52. There exists only one man in life who divulged the Great Arcanum and who did not die.

    53. I am that man, I am Samael Aun Weor.”

    Mind = Blown
