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Monday 31 August 2015

Crying and the Work and Crying in the Work – (508)

First of All

First of all I can’t judge and say that people should not cry, or that what they are crying about is nonsense or silly or fake. I say this because after all when a person does sincerely cry, it is because the issue is very important to them and only the person can know really truly if they are really crying or just feigning.

My Intention

My intention with this post is to present some occasions where in the work on ourselves we may cry and of which a good result may come about, of course if it was sincere.

Edge of the Abyss

When we have the ego so strong and we are really having difficulty in dealing with it and we are losing control and we see that it is taking us to a very dangerous place perhaps physically, psychologically and spiritually and we are just teetering on the edge of the abyss and we know we can not do much about it, we may seeing all of this, pray so intensely that we cry.


Sometimes when we receive such a marvellous gift or help from somebody or someone, whether it be the Masters or our interior Divinity or friends or family and we feel that we may not deserve it, we may cry out of the conscious feeling of gratitude. Or perhaps when we have struggled and fought for so long for something and then we get it or we suddenly verify something that Master Samael teaches we may cry out of gratitude that it is true and that our efforts really came through with a result.

Contrast, Pain and Yearning

Sometimes when we via contrast see how bad, how asleep, how big our ego is and how far we are away from the Being and the Masters that contrast may produce a lot of pain and also a tremendous yearning and out of that yearning comes a sincere prayer to be better and often tears flow because it is from the heart and there is remorse there for our errors that have taken us to be what we are etc. so far from the Being and the Light.


So here above are some occasions where we may cry, not every day of course that would be really difficult, we end up with a very sore and troubled heart. I like what the quote from Psalm 56:8 “Tears are prayers too. They travel to God when we can’t speak.”.

The key is just make it sincere.

End (508).

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