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Tuesday 1 September 2015

Egos Take Risks when Entering our Light - (509)


Sometimes when the ego’s desire gains so much momentum, all because we don’t do anything to stop it, in fact we polarise with it, the ego can get very bold and take full control of our human machine so to fulfil its desires. When we on the contrary do not polarise ourselves with it we keep it in the subconscious where we don’t see it completely but we have it under control.

So when the ego feels trust that is, it feels that it can come into full activity and take control, because it knows we are not going to stop it, the ego takes its risk and comes into the light. This is a very important opportunity.

See the image below, that is what our mind is like We have a certain area that we can see everything and then there areas that we can not see. The ego takes a risk when it enters into the region of light in or mind, and once in the region of light we can see it completely in as if it were in front of a full length mirror.

In the Light

Once in the light of our conscious mind, if we can say that, the ego certainly takes a big risk, either we identify with it fully and fulfil its desires or we observe it, which is quite easy because it is fully in the light of our awareness or scope of observation. Then when it is under our full observation we can find see what it really wants and then it is in big trouble or more or less finished or on the way to be so.


When observing the whole ego in the full light of our awareness we can catch what the egos strongly and dearly held values are. This is very important information because with this we can know that it is really after and then we can contrast these values against the qualities and values of our Being and then we can take a step forward in the death of this ego.

For example we see that this ego wants a value of acceptance, this may amaze us because we think we are accepted or we may just have never cared about being accepted, but we just observed that that is what it really wants. Then we can contrast that value with our Being, and we see that we are accepted by our Being, and do we can ask do we accept our Being, ourselves and others. We can come to the conclusion that we we don’t need that acceptance, that we have it already and that we need to give it rather than receive it.

End (509).

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