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Monday 31 August 2015

Internet as a Substitute for Reality – (507)

Our Problem - Seems Real

Our problem these days is whenever things are not going well in any aspect of our life we turn as a crutch to the internet for a substitute.

We are doing this more and more these days at an alarming rate in fact.

Our problem with the internet is not that we use it, as if we would use a tool but rather that we rely on it as a substitute for our reality or a means to compensate for a real area of our life that is not going well.

For example, if our relationship side of our life is not going well we turn to the internet to provide or supply or fulfil the relationship aspect. We talk to people online, we send messages, we sign up to this or that forum etc. In general whatever desire that we can not fulfil in real life we turn to the internet to try and fulfil. The only thing though, is that the things we get from the internet are mostly an illusion, except for the shopping items that we buy.

Whatever we can’t get here physically we seek out on the internet. We can’t buy a certain car, so we go onto the internet and read all about that car and watch reviews about that car. So we use it to fill our desires when we can’t fulfil them in reality. So it a lot like the mechanism of fantasy which is essentially an escape mechanism where through fantasy we seek what we couldn’t have.

What is Real Hits You in the Face Over and Over Again

A property of reality is that its messages constantly hit one in the face time and time again. This is to help break the illusions that we have. Reality always shows itself as it is, and it is up to us to see it. The problem is that we don’t want to see it and so we persist in the illusion and the more we persist the more we get hit and the more and more disappointment and deceived we feel.

Reality teaches us, if we are open to learn, whereas illusion doesn’t teach but draws us in and takes our energy. Reality frees us while illusion enslaves us.

What is Unreal Makes You Hope

A key characteristic of our psyche when we are under an illusion, is that we are full of hope, and of course that hope can not be realised by things that are unreal, so these kinds of hope will not be realised, all that awaits that hope is for it to fall be broken.

What is Unreal Crashes

Always what is unreal crashes, so much of the things that we seek on the internet crash. This is the way to tell if something was real or not.

Some smart people know that people in general turn to internet to fulfil their unfulfillable desires and because of that they can easily catch people who are under the illusion that they will get through the internet what they really desire.

What is Real is Always There

Another property of things that are real is that they do not change and they stand the test of time. They remain steadfast and reliable as always. Some of things on the internet are not real.

Conclusion – Internet is Only a Tool

Really we should see the internet as a toll for communication, information sourcing and perhaps buying the things that we need when it is more convenient to buy it online than in a our physical store. To depend on it and to see it as a life saver, is not so good. It could mean that we are using the internet as a crutch and or are under some type of illusion.

End (507).

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